
Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    A group of army officers tried to overthrow Csar Nickolas I, in favor of a setting up a Monarchy. The problem was that Nickolas crushed the uprosing quickly and executed/exiled the participants. Even though this revolt failed miserably, it provided inspiration for future revolutions.
  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of the Serfs
    Alexander the II, Czar of Russia, emancipated the serfs of Russia...but only mostly in name. The freed serfs were able to keep their homes and tools, but had to buy land at exorbitant rates -- causing mountains of debt for them. Even though the peasants continued to live in extreme poverty, Alexander the II reformed education and health are, but they were only small improvements.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A peaceful march organized by Father Gapon went up to the Csar's palace. This march was suposed to bring attention to the working conditions of factory workers, but it took a turn for the worst when soldiers fired on the protesters. This uncalled for reaction set the stage for the Revolution of 1905.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    After the Blood Sunday massacre, riots swept thoughout Russia. Trying to end this uproar, Czar Nicholas II created the Duma, which was suppose to make reforms in the work place. Unfortunately the assembly had little power due to the autocratic rule of the Czar.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    WWI stated when Austria-Hungary claimed that agents from Serbia killed their prince. Russia inturn entered WWI since it was the protectorate of Serbia, and feared loosing it's support. The war effort was supported at first to up hold Russian loyalty, but when peasants found it hard to feed themselves, the support dwindled.
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    Due to his ability to sway the Csar Nickolas to his whim, power hunger aristocrats plotted an assassination attempt on Rasputin. They fed him cyanide laced cakes, to no avail, and then wine with a dose of dissolved cyanide, yet to no avail. When they resorted to beating him up in a bag, he still moved afterward, solidifing his mysterious nature. Finally, they decided to drown him in the Neva river, which did "do him in",
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Roits against the World War spread throughout Russia since many peasants realized that the government can fight a war, but it can not feed its own people. When troops were sent to quell the riots, troops not only refused to fire on the protesters, but joined them. This led to the Czar's abdication.
  • Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates
    When all of his officials were being overthrown and the working class showed great contempt toward him, Tsar Nicholas abdicated his throne. The leaders of the Duma created the Provisional Government in place of the old Autocracy. This form of governent gave freedom of speech and religion, like the democratic United States. However, the government did not follow the commands of the people and continued to take part in the world war.
  • Bolshevik Revolution (Red October)

    Bolshevik Revolution (Red October)
    The Bolshevik Revolution overthrew the western, republic-like government in Petrograd, which was the capital of Russia during the time. This coup d'état was orchestrated by a group led by Vladmir Lenin, brought about he begining of Soviet Russia. This event also started the Russian Civil War.
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    After stepping down from ruling Russia, Nicholas Romanov and his was sent to Yekaterinburg to live in a secret dwelling. The facts reveaedl that they were being held as prisoners when the telegram from Lenin commanded the guard to kill them. This act was done by Lenin so that "the whites wouldn't have a live banner to rally upon."
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI and brought an end to the Central Powers' domination of the east. In the treaty, Russia was forced to give up some land even though they were not at the signing of the treaty -- since it was still in Civil War.
  • Death of Lenin/ Formation of the USSR

    Death of Lenin/ Formation of the USSR
    An Assassination attempt wounded Lenin, but did not kill him -- however it put him in too poor of health condition to actively participate in politics. Trotsky was next in line in Lenin's mind, but when he died, Stalin seized his chance and expelled him from Russia.
  • Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trotsky

    Stalin Takes Power/Death of Trotsky
    After being kicked out of Russia, Trotsky lived in Kazikstan and Turkey. After two years time, Trotsky was also expelled from Kazikstan and then Turkey, leaving him with little refuge. Later, he moved to Mexico, where he was finally assassinated by, most probably, an agent of Stalin by an ice pick. With the death of his most powerful rival, Stalin was able to not only dominate the politics of Russia, but to take charge of the USSR.