Russian Revolution Pd1

By JamesTo
  • Backround to the Revolution

    The serfs were freed in 1861.
  • Revolution

    Between 1861 and 1898 the peasent socialist wanted to start a revolution.
  • Economy

    Early 1900,s Russias economy slowed.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Peacefully marching to czar Nicholas winter palace in St Petersburg, Czar soldiers fired on the people.
  • Dissolved dumas

    Czar Dissolved the first two Dumas after only few months
  • WW1

    WW1 highlighted the weakness of czarzest rule.
  • Rasputin murder

    Rasputin murder
    A group of russian nobals loyal to the czar murdered Rasputin.
  • Calander

    Febuary 25th on the russian calander