Russian Revolution PD-->5TH

  • 1800's-1900's

    the serfs and royal slaves were freeded ,but recieved very little land and they were in dept HEAVILY. There were a number of political organizations that the goverment tried to repress . People started wanting more .
  • 1800's-1900's

    russians experience great changes . The russian social democratic labor party was created .
  • 1900's-1904

    The social democratic labor party split into two groups . Lennin thought that members should be limited to upper clases . Mensieviks thought the social democratic labor party should have members of the minors . This is also when the economy slowed .
  • The 1905 Revolution

    There was unsuccessful war with japan . Thousands of men,wemon,and children marched peacefully to Czar Nicholas's Winter Palace in ST.Petersburg,the capital . They marched askin for better workin' conditions AND democratic elected assemble. Soilders fired , killing hundreds of the the people mostly scared runnin' children
  • The 1905 Revolution

    Armies crushed uprising in Moscow . Police arrested the members of the ST.Petersburg soviet, including the revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky other known as lennin
  • 1906-1912

    czar dissolved the first two dumes . Nicholas changed the election so that fewer workers and peasents could vote and so that some regions lost thier representations
  • 1914-1953

    germany declared war on russia . after this german easily over-whelmed a russian army that was poorly trianed and badly lead
  • Russian Revolution

    FINSH COMPLETING THIS EVENT LATA :) <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTYLXOXO :) o.O SMH
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian people rebelled agianst the russian emperor , Nicholas ~2ND~ . The soviet union ruled russia and nieghboring republics for 70 years ! Nicholas gave up his thrown and a temporary goverment tried to adminastate the counry and was unable to solve many of the russian challenges .
  • Background to the Revolution

    Strikes and riots break out over food and coal storages
    which is known as the FEBRUARY REVOLUTION Lenin, who had lived in Switzerland scence 1914 and a revolutionary leader also know as Leon Trotsky began callin' an overthrow in 1917
  • 1914-1953

    russian soilders became rebellious many russian armies refused to go fight with germany