Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    The Decembrist revolt was easily crushed by Nicholas I. The leaders were executed or imprisoned, and some who participated were sent to Siberia.
  • Alexander II Emancipated the Serfs

    Alexander II Emancipated the Serfs
  • Nicholas II Becomes the Czar of Russia

    Nicholas II Becomes the Czar of Russia
    He was the heir to the throne, and after his father was killed, whether he liked it or not, he had no choice but to rule.
  • The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks

    The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
    The party split into two sides that would play a great role in the Russian Civil war. The two sides were the Bolsheviks, Russian for "majority", and the Mensheviks, Russian for "minority".
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    A war between the Japanese and the Russians, resulting in heavy losses on the Russian side.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On January 9, 1905, peasants lead a peaceful protest, and in response, Nicholas sent his soldiers out to end the protest, and to do that, they opened fire on the protestors.
  • 1905 Revolution

    1905 Revolution
    On the 22nd of January, just thirteen days after Bloody Sunday, the peasants held a revolt which was sparked by a peaceful protest on that same day.
  • Russian Involvement in WW1

    Russian Involvement in WW1
    After many defeats, Nicholas the II decided to lead the army himself, and yet they still suffered heavy loss and heavy casualties.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne

    Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne
    He was forced to abdicate the throne after his soldiers/guards joined in the March Revolution. They were chanting "Land, Peace, Bread!"
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The people of Russia were very poor, and also very hungry. Most of the people were farmers, and most of the crops that they produced were taken by the government. The soldiers that were sent out to end the protest joined the revolt. The protestors were chanting "Land, Peace, Bread!". After the revolt, Nicholas II abdicated his throne.
  • Nicholas II and Family Executed

    Nicholas II and Family Executed
    They were told they were going to get a picture taken. As they sat down to have the picture taken, men armed with guns entered the room, and shot and killed them.
  • Alexander Kerevsky becomes leader of provisional government

    Alexander Kerevsky becomes leader of provisional government
    The provisional government comes into play after Nicholas II abdicates his throne, with Alexander Kerevsky as his leader. While this is in place, Vladimir Lenin is gaining power, and trying to start a civil war so he can take power.
  • Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace

    Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
    One of the main events in the Russian Civil war, with the Winter Palace being basically the capital building in Russia. It was captured by the communist Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin.
  • The Russian Civil War begins

    The Russian Civil War begins
    The Bolsheviks, the "red" or communist side of the Social-Democratic party, and the Mensheviks, the "White" or Czarist/Provisional side of the Social-Democratic party, fought for control of Russia. In the end, the Bolsheviks won.
  • Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union

    Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
    Before WW2, Vladimir Lenin, the first leader of Communist Russia, or the Soviet Union, dies. While Lenin was in power, Stalin was gaining power with the people, the same way Lenin did while Kerevsky was in power.