Russian Revolution

By rahncod
  • Decemberist Revolt

    Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession
  • Czar alexander II emancipates the surfs

    In 1861 serdom was abolshied
  • Nicholas II becomes czar Russia

    He was the last czar of russia
  • The Bolsevik-Menshevik Split

    The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were both revolutionary political parties of Marxist origins
  • Bloddy Sunday

    On this day in St. Petersburg there was a massacre
  • The revolution of 1905

    This was sparked by a peaceful protest
  • Russia Enters WW1

    Russia is forced to enter WWI
  • Nicholas II abdicated

    Nicholas II left his throne
  • Alexander becomes the leder of the provisional government

    He led it for the short life he had
  • The March Revolution

    Russia changed very hugely
  • The Bolsheviks Storm the Winter Palace

    The bolshevicks Invaded the WInter Palace
  • Russian Civil War begins

    THe russian cival war was to teat russia apart for three years
  • Nicholas II and his family are executed

    The family was lined up for a "picture" and got killed
  • Vladimir lenin and joesf stalin led russia

    They became dictators of russia
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    This was the first real war of the 20th century