Lenin october revolution

Russian Revolution

  • Russo Japanese war

  • Bloody Sunday

    When the Russian millitary was ordered to stop protestors they fired into a crowd.
  • Revolution of 1905

  • Creation of DUMA

    Creation of DUMA
    When Tsar Nicholas the II created the DUMA.
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge
    A purge of Tsar Nicholas the II's supporters.
  • Nicolas the II abdicates the throne

    Nicolas the II abdicates the throne
    When Nicolas the II gives up his throne.
  • March revolution begins

    March revolution begins
    When the March revolution begins.
  • Kerensky heads the provisionla government

    Kerensky heads the provisionla government
    When Keresky came to power and took over the provisional government.
  • Lennin returns from exile in Germany

    Lennin returns from exile in Germany
    When Lenin retured from exile in Germany to start the civil war.
  • Civial war begins

    Civial war begins
    When the Russian civil war began.
  • Trotsky wins civil war

  • Russia pulls out of WW!

  • Asassination of Romanov family

    Asassination of Romanov  family
    When the Romanov faimly was assassinated by the Russian secret police the Checka.
  • Russia enter WWI

  • Stalin comes to power

  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin takes power
    When Lenin won the civil war and took power.
  • Russia becomes a totalitarian sate