Russia soviet union flag

Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolutionaries split

    Marxists Revolutionaries split
    Maxists revoltionsaries disagree over revolutionary tacties. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Actions have consequences

    Actions have consequences
    1800's Russia and Japan signed a series of agreements over Korea and Manchuria territories, but Russia broke them. So Japan retaliated by attacking Russians at Port Arthur, Manchria. News of repeated Russian losses sparked unrest at home and led to revolt in the midst of war.
  • Why a bloody Sunday, and not a Saturday

    Why a bloody Sunday, and not a Saturday
    200,000 workers and families approached the czars Winter Palance, carried a petition asking for better working conditions, more personal freedoms, and an elected national legislature; Nicholas II generals ordered the soilders to fire on the crowd. More than 1,00 were wounded and several hundred were killed; calling it "Bloody Sunday"
  • Change? Maybe?

    Change? Maybe?
    The Russian's 1st parliament which, called Duma, met. Leaders wanted Russia to become a constitional monarchy similar to what Britain has. But Nicholas II was hesitant to share his power, Nicholas dissolved the Dumas after only 10 weeks.
  • What did you get us into now?

    What did you get us into now?
    Nicholas II made the decision to drag Russia in World War 1. They were, however, unprepared to handle the military and economic costs of war. Their generals were weak and the soilders were poorly equipped.
  • Is there still a throne?

    Is there still a throne?
    Women texile workers in Petrograd led citywide strike riots fared up over shortages of bread and fuel. 1st soldiers obeyed orders to shoot the rioters but later sided with them. This forced NIcholas II to abdicate his throne. Leaders of the Duma established a provisional government or in other words a temporary government. Alexander Kerensky was the head of it and his decision was to continue fighting in World War 1.
  • Is this the ending of the Provisional Government?

    Is this the ending of the Provisional Government?
    Armed factory workers stromed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They were called " The Bolshevik Red Guards" they took over the government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government
  • End of World War not in their terms

    End of World War not in their terms
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russias surrendered large part of its territory to Germany allies.The humilating terms triggered anger among many Russians. They objected to the Bolsheviks and their policies and to muder the royal family.
  • Is it almost done now?

    Is it almost done now?
    Cilvil War has been raging for 2 years now, and has been The destruction and loss of life from fighting, hunger, and worldwide flu which left Russia in choas, proved to be far more deadly than the earlier revolutions. In the end, Red Army crushed all opposition, this showed that they were able to seize power and to maintain it too.
  • New Government? What is NEP

    New Government? What is NEP
    Lenin tempoarily put aside his plan for state-controlled economy; he resorted their surplus version of Capitalism, which they called New Economic Policy (NEP), allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government. Government kept major industries, banks, and means of communication, but let small factoies, bussiness,and farms operate under private ownship. The Government encouraged foreign investments.
  • Communist Party, who's that?

    Communist Party, who's that?
    The County was named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in honor of the councils that help launch the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik renamed their party to the Communist Party. The name came from Karl Marx and was used to describe the classless society that would exist after workers had seize power.