Russian Revolution

  • Russia tries to become industrialized

    Russia is 4th ranked producer of steel, and the people do not like working conditions and low wages
  • Bloody Sunday

    200,000 workers marched to the winter's palace with a petition to propose more freedom, but were shot by soldiers. This led to more strikes, protests, and violence round russia
  • Russo-Japanese war

    This war was one of many causes of the Revolution in Russia
  • Russia joins WW1

    Nicholas II decided to put Russia into the Great War, but with their agonizing defeats, it revealed the weakness of czarist rule
  • Alexandra Welcomes Rasputin

    Rasputin was a mysterious Holy Man who helped the czar's son with his hemophilia. Alexandra liked him but nobles and politicians did not trust him. He was later murdered by nobles.
  • Trans-siberian Railway is finished

    Building the railway started in 1891 and ended in 1916. It connected European Russia with western Russia.
  • The March Revolution

    Workers swarmed the streets of Petrograd shouting "Down with autocracy" and "down With the war". Soldiers who were ordered to shoot sided with the rioters.
  • Czar nicholas II steps down

    He abdicated the throne and was later executed with his family, which was the end of the Romanov Dynasty.
  • Lenin returns to russia

    Lenin and the bolsheviks return to Russia and go straight to Petrograd
  • Bolsheviks take power

    Bolsheviks take power
    Bolsheviks storm the winter palace and overthrew the provisional government.
  • Russia and Germany at Peace

    Lenin has Russia sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.
  • Civil War between the Red Army and the white Rmy

    The enemy of the Bolshevks, white army, fought the Red Army, the Bolsheviks. The Bosheviks man=intained power.
  • lenin Restores order

    He put aside his plan for state controlled economy and formed a version of capitilasm called NEP.
  • Communists create constitution

    Bolsheviks change their name to Communist Party. The constitution was based on socialist and democratic principles.
  • Stalin takes over

    Stalin was in full control of the Communist Party after Lenin's death, and turned Russia into a Totalitarism Regime.