Russian Revolution

  • Industrialization and the problems it caused in Russia

    Industrialization and the problems it caused in Russia
    Industrialization was the cause of many economic and political problems in Russia, being that a communist regime was under way.
  • Czar Nicholas rule begins

    Czar Nicholas rule begins
    Czar Nicholas ruled, the last czar in a very long and prestigious line of royalty.
  • Development of Russian revolutionary groups

    Development of Russian revolutionary groups
    Different communist parties rose as an answer to the economic problems at the time in Russia
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On January 22nd, a massacre occured in St. Petersburg when peaceful prtestors against Czar Nicholas were gunned down in the streets by soldiers.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War 1 begins in 1914 and involves many European countries, including Russia. Russia joined the war to help its ally Serbia as a part of the triple alliance.
  • Czar steps down

    Czar steps down
    Czar Nicholas steps down as a result of the March revlution, and a lack of popular support.
  • The Czar steps down

    The Czar steps down
    The Czar steps down because of the effects of the march revolution.
  • Bolshevik revolution

    Bolshevik revolution
    In October, The Bolsheviks revolted against the communists, and came into power in Russia. They later became the Soviet Union.
  • Lenin in power

    Lenin in power
    Vladimier Lenin comes into power as the leader of the Bolsheviks, and transfroms his governemnt into the Soviet Union,
  • Stalin becomes dictator

    Stalin becomes dictator
    Stalin rose from bitter poverty to the dictator of the Soviet Union and one of the most powerful men in the world.