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Russian Revolution

By Lcopp11
  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    The Czar continued the traditional Russian autocracy, which is a goverment where one person has complete athority over others.
  • The problems industrialization caused Russia

    The problems industrialization caused Russia
    The rapid industrialization brought problems such as terrible working conditions, extremely low wages, and child labor. Theese problems eventually led to the introduction of revolutionary groups.
  • Development of revolutionary groups

    Development of revolutionary groups
    Because of the many problems with Russia's industrialization, Many new groups stepped up to try to solve theese problems, however theese revolutionary groups, such as the bolsheviks, marxists, and many other groups only added to the problem.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    When around 200,000 workers and there families petitioned at the Czars palace for better working conditions, more freedom, and an elected legislature.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Russia was very unprepared for the military and economic costs of the war, and russias weak army wasnt prepared for armies like germanies. Rusias weapons also werent at the level they should have been at.
  • The march revolution

    The march revolution
    Woman textile workers in petrograd went on a city-wide strike, There was a 5 day riot and almost 200,000 workers fled to the streets
  • The Czar steps down

    The Czar steps down
    The march revolutioin forced Czar Nicholas II to leave his throne, he later was executed
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the bolsheviks gained control of many major Russian cities. Lenin used the slogan "peace, land, and bread", with this slogan he gained popularity.
  • Lenin in power

    Lenin in power
    Lenin made many reforms that restored the economy. Lenin beleived his country needed a communist party that was diciplinary in order to ensure his goals
  • Stalin becomes a dictator

    Stalin becomes a dictator
    After Lenin died, Joseph Stalin was appointed leader. Stalin was strict, hard and cold. The word Stalin means "man of steel", which is what hjis charactar was like.