Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Splitting Into Two

    Splitting Into Two
    In 1898 the Marxists formed the social russian democratic labor party. In 1903 it split into two groups, one of the groups being called Lenin. He argued that party membership should be limited to a small number of professional revolutionaries.
  • The Duma

    The Duma
    Following the petition on the same day, soldiers fired on demonstrators and killed hundreds of people. This caused the liberals to coordinate strikes by different groups. So after many strikes and petitions, Nicholas agreed to set up a law-making body, the Duma. After getting rid of the first 2 Dumas, the third one was demonstrateed only by supporters of Nicholas.
  • Germans declare war on Russia

    Germans declare war on Russia
    Near the beginning of WWI, Germnay declared war on Russia. This showed how weak tsarist rule really was. The Russians had a poor army, so Germany had no problem overpowering them. The wr left Russia with shortages of food, fuel, and social discontent.
  • Death or Rasputin

    Death or Rasputin
    Rasputin was a "holy man", known to more as a crazy man, who cared for Nicholas's son who had hemophelia. While Nicholas was under his influence, he often had incompetant officials who didn't do their job well. In December, 1916 a group of people loyal to the tsar murdered Rasputin.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Due to the food and fuel shortages caused by World War I, people started riots and strikes in Petrogard. Troops were sent to stop the commotion but the troops joined the demonstrators instead of fixing the problem.
  • Tsar Nicholas Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas Abdicates
    Liberal members of the Duma began to set up a provisional government. This government forced Nicholas to step down on March 15, 1917 and took he and his family into custody where they were later killed.
  • Rebellion against Czar

    Rebellion against Czar
    In march 1917 the russian people began to rebel against Nlicolas II because they were not happy with their economy and the failure that was going on and he gave up his throne. Russia was run by a temporary government and it was unable to solve a lot of problems for Russia.
  • Dual Power

    Dual Power
    After the provisional government was set up, a group of people reviived the Petrogard that was set up in 1905 and called themselves the Soviet of Workers'. When both of these governments claimed authority it became known as dual power.
  • November Revolution

    November Revolution
    On 11/7/1917 a Bolshevik-led army took control of Petrogard. The next day the Congress of Soviets let the Bolsheviks run the national government. They created a type of secret police called the Cheka.
  • Bolshiveks take over

    Bolshiveks take over
    The bolsheviks rise up and gain power and take over Russia because the temporary government couldn't handle governing Russia. This was a big part in the Revoluition of 1917.
  • Russia Withdraws from War

    Russia Withdraws from War
    The new government immediately withdrew Russia from war with Germany. Russia negotiated a cease-fire and on 3/3/1918 the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed to prevent invasion from Germany. Some effects of the treaty were..
    - Russia lost 1/4 of it's territory
    - Finland and Ukraine became independant
    - A lot of territory that had been ruled by Russia was now under German control
    - Russia lost factories and 1/3 of it's food producing land
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    After a Soviet constitution went into effect, "the whites" began organizing resistance. The war between the Reds and the Whites lasted for about two years. The communists won, and the revolution was complete.