
Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    -Led by Russian Army
    -Held in Senate Square, St. Petersburg
    -Protested Nicholas I's rise to the throne
    -Occured in December ---> 'Decembrists'
  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of the Serfs
    -"The Peasant Reform of 1861"
    -Serfs no longer dependent on Russian Empire
    -Given better/larger plots of land
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    -Social groups discontent with Russian politics
    -Disdain after Russo-Japanese War
    -Riots, strikes, terrorism
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    -Massacre of unarmed and peaceful peasants
    -Gunned down by Imperial Guard
    -Leading a petition to Nicholas II
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    -Serbia under Muslim-Ottoman control
    -Russia is allied with Serbia
    -Attacked by Austria-Hungary
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    -Poisoned multiple times
    -Shot and stabbed
    -Thrown into a frozen river
    -Found the next day, died of drowning
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    -Attempt to further modernize Russia
    -Held in St. Petersburg
    -Caused Nicholas II abdication, end of Romanovs, end of Russian Empire
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    -Translates to disowning, renouncing
    -Usually applies to rulers who are crowned
    -Named Grand Duke Michael (brother) to throne
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    -"October Revolution"
    -Overthrew Russian Provisional Government
    -Started the Russian Civil War (1917-1922)
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    -Yekaterinburg, Russia
    -7 family members, family Doctor, Tsarina's maid, footman, cook murdered
    -All were canonized (declared to be saint-like) in 2000
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    -Peace treaty after WWI
    -Took 6 months to finish
    -Registered by the League of Nations
    -Exactly 5 years after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
  • Stalin Takes Power

    Stalin Takes Power
    -Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
    -Many assumed Trotsky would take over after Lenin
    -Stalin turned against Lenin and hid Lenin's lack of faith in him
  • Lenin' Death/Formation of USSR

    Lenin' Death/Formation of USSR
    -Lenin dies of second stroke
    -Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukranian, Belorussian approve Creation of USSR
    -First Congress signed in December, 1922
  • Death of Trotsky

    Death of Trotsky
    -Removed from power
    -Expelled from the Communist Party
    -Deported from USSR
    -Assassinated in Mexico by Ramon Mercader