Russian Revolution

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    • this war was the first great war of the 20th century
    • Russia wanted a warm water port on the Pacific Ocean for their navy, as well as for trading purposes
    • in the end, the Japanese had victory over the Russian forces (everyone was surprised)
  • Revolution of 1905

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    • Bloody Sunday was a massacre where peaceful demonstraters were gunned down by imperial guards
    • the gathering of workers and their families at the Winter Palace was organized by Father Gapon
    • the disregard for ordinary people undermined the support for the state
  • Creation of the Duma

    Creation of the Duma
    • the Duma was a form of Russian governmental institution that was formed during the time of Nicholas II
    • the goal of the Duma was to promote Russia to become a constitutional monarchy
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    • Russia entered the war with the largest army due to their great numbers and population
    • However, Russia was no that strong and they lost many of their soldiers to death, wounds, and diseases
    • Russia was also very low on supplies such as food, ammunition, etc.
  • March Revolution Begins

  • Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne

    Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne
    • after the February Revolution, Nicholas II decided to abdicate the throne
    • Nicholas II drew up a new manifesto naming his brother, Grand Duke Michael, as the next emperor
    • the abdication of Nicholas II brought three centuries of the Romanov dynasty to an end
  • Lenin Returns from Exile in Germany

  • Kerensky Heads the Provisional Government

  • Civil War Begins

  • Lenin Takes Power

    Lenin Takes Power
    • Lenin was an excellent organizer and very ruthless
    • when Lenin took control of Russia he developed a New Economic Policy (NEP)
    • this policy let peasants sell surplus crops, and it encouraged foreign investment
  • Russia Pulls out of WWI (Brest-Litovsk)

  • Assassination of Romanov Family

    Assassination of Romanov Family
    • After his abdication in March 1917, Nicholas and his family were placed under house arrest
    • the decision to kill Nicholas and his family was made by the Bolsheviks
    • the kiling of the Romanovs assured that the family would never come back into power
  • Trotsky Wins Civil War

    Trotsky Wins Civil War
    • Trotsky was one of the more important figures in the Russian Revolution
    • his leadership during the Russian Civil War probably saved the Bolshevik Revolution
    • even though Trotsky was not trained as a military commander, he excelled at his job and perservered
  • Stalin Comes to Power

    Stalin Comes to Power
    • Stalin was one of the Bolsheviks' chief operatives, and grew up very close to Lenin
    • Stalin's connections let him attain high positions in the new Soviet government
    • eventualy, when Lenin was gone, Stalin took power and went on to be very successful having impressive economic advances
  • Russia becomes a Totalitarian State

    Russia becomes a Totalitarian State
    • a totalitarian state describes a government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of life
    • Stalin, in Russia, first needed to destroy all of his enemies
    • Stalin also did many other things that helped Russia; he set up many yearly plans
    • in the long run, it led to impressive economic results
  • Period: to

    Great Purge