
Russian Revolution

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    this is the war between russia and japan. in the end japan ended up winning and it was an emmarrassing defeat for the russians because it was the first fight ever won by an asian country. it also exposed the weakness of russian government and how far they were behind in the world.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    the tsar at the time didn't create many rules through out the nation and that didn't agree with the population. after a while unrest started to rise. many workers went on strike and soldiers were angered for being forced into a war they didn't want. many different people living in russia were mad because they weren't treated equally. after a while the tsar finally realized that this was really serious, so he created something that would hopefully calm the people down.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    peasants and workers walked up to the winter palace wanting to talk to the tsar about better conditions in working and living and just to listen to what they have to say. but nicholas didn't want to. so he tole his generals to take care of it as he and his family left. the generals told the soldiers to fire on the croud and lot of people died that day and people lost respect for their tsar.
  • creation of the DUMA

    creation of the DUMA
    The DUMA was russians first parliment. its leaders were moderates who wanted russia to be a constitutional monarchy. csar didn't want to share power so he dissolved it after ten weeks.
  • Russia enters WW1

    Russia enters WW1
    russia was unprepared to handel the military and economic costs. its weakest generals and poorly equipped troops were no match for the german army. later as time went by russian soldiers mutinied, deserted or ingnored orders. food and fuel were going down as well.
  • March Revolution begins

  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    during the march revolution the local protest exploded into a general uprising. it forced csar nicholas II to abdicate the throne.
  • Lenin returens from exile in Germany

    Lenin returens from exile in Germany
    after being in exile in germany for so long lenin finally returns home, hoping to become leader. at this time the bolshevisk are also free. the leader ship is up for the taking because people are starting to dislike kerensky.
  • kerensky heads the provisional government

  • civil war begins

  • lenin takes power

  • russia pulls out of WW1

    russia pulls out of WW1
    while lenin was in germany he talked to the leaders there so that he can make a deal to pull russia out of ww1. and thats what he does when he comes to power, he pulls russia out and signed and treaty with germany. it was a win-win situation for germany and lenin.
  • assassination of romanov family

    assassination of romanov family
    after being hidden for a couple months or so the family was told that they were being moved to a new location but as they were lead to the basement soldiers came out and shot everyone in the romanov family. then later barried in a forest. this was at the command of lenin.
  • trotsky wins civil war

  • stalin comes to power

    stalin comes to power
    two of the most notable men who wanted to take control of the communist party after lenin died was leon trosky and joseph stalin. from what lenin said before he died was that stalin was a dangerous man but stalin still took full control and trosky was forced into exile. stalin now stood poised to wield absolute power as a dicator.
  • Russia becomes a totalitarian state