Russian Revolution

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Revolution of 1905

  • Bloody Sunday

  • Russia enters WW1

    Russia entered ww1 but it later brought them into great poverty and loss of life. Also loss of pride and ecomnomy stealth.
  • Creation Of The Duma

  • March Revolution Begins

  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    He ran an absolute monarch and was not in touch with people. He ignored there requests for change and food. He created the duma and fought in the front lines while his wife was home with rasputin treating there son.
  • Lenin returns from exile in Germany

    He gets help escaping and then gained tons of support with a promising campaign of peace land and bread, he was very helpful to russia and the people loved him.
  • kerensky heads the provisional government

    he wanted to set up a republic and right after nicholas 11 was exiled he took over a temporary government to last russia in its hard days. kerensky was taken out, he wanted to stay in the war and he wanted capitalism.
  • Civil War begins

    The people of russia (mainly peasants) wanted food beacuse they were starving so greatly, so the bolsheviks (lennin) and the white side (everybody else) started the civil war to ease the problems russia was having therafter ww1.
  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin was exiled and lived in german, when he escaped he promised peace, land, and bread. LEad revoluition in novemeber and they called themselves the bolsheviks. He was communist.
  • Russia pulls out of WWI

  • Assassination of Romanov family

    nicholas 11 and his family were Exiled to siberia and later execuded and left to the wild.
  • Trtsky wins Civil War

  • stalin comes to power

    Stalin was a very harsh dictator, he ruled a tolitarian state and ran a command economy. He was hard on farmers with collective farms and killed more people than hitler. He made himself look great with propaganda and cult of personality. He instituted the great purge.
  • Russia becomes a totlitarian state

    Russia becomes tolitarian under stalin and all aspects of life are government controlled. Propaganda and secrect police are used to scare and brainwash the people of russia.
  • Great Purge

    Stalin got rid of everyone that was against him or wrong in any kind of way, people who resisted and people eho didnt make enough crops. They were sent away to siberia or labor camps. Sometimes executed.