russian revolution

  • russian surfs freed

    russian surfs are freed with little land and lots of debuts
  • labor party

     the Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party
  • war with japan

    war with japan
    russai wages war on japan and fails to win causing humiliation
  • labor party

    the democratic labor party splits into two groups
  • bloody sunday

    bloody sunday
    peaceful protesters shot down by royal gaurds
  • germany declares war

    Germany declares war on russia they join and puts a huge strain on their economy
  • rastputin

    rastputin killed for advising the czar to put incompetent figures into political parties
  • bolshaviks

    the All-Russian Congress of Soviets authorized the Bolsheviks to set up a Council of People's Commissars to run the national government. The new government established a secret police force called the Cheka. Local soviets in towns and cities throughout Russia gave workers control of factories and confiscated the property of large landowners, the Russian Orthodox Church, and anyone who opposed the revolution.
  • Brest-litovisk

    the government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to prevent German invasion. Under this treaty, Russia lost a quarter of its territory