Russo-Japanese War
Japan attacked the Russian fleet at Port Author and then launched a successful invasion. -
Bloody Sunday
Workers went on strike demanding shorter hours and higher wages. A young Orthodox organized a peacful march on sunday. Marchers flowed torward the winters palace. As they approached, they saw a line of troopsup across the square, and they opened fire. Hundreds of men andwomen fell dead or wonded. That killed people faith and trust in the tsar. -
Revolution of 1905
In themonths following bloody sunday, discontent exploded across Russia. Strikes mulitiplyed, Workers over took local business in the city. Peseants Revolted and demanded land in the country side. Tsar Nicholas was forced to announce sweeping reforms. In October Manifesto, he had to promise freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly, and union. He agreed to summon a Duma, which ne law shall be passed with out the approval of. -
Russia Joins WW1
The outbreak of war in 1914 fueled national pride andunited Russia. Armies dashed tobattle with enthusiam, but WW1 quickly strained Russian resources. Factories could not make supplies fast enough. The transportation broke down, By 1915 many menhad no rifles or ammunation for them to fight. Nicholas rushed to the front to take charge. The tsar was no more competent than many of his generals. -
Grigory Rasputin
The outbreak of war in 1914 fueled national pride andunited Russia. Armies dashed tobattle with enthusiam, but WW1 quickly strained Russian resources. Factories could not make supplies fast enough. The transportation broke down, By 1915 many menhad no rifles or ammunation. Badly equipped and poorly led, they died in stagering numbers. Russian casualities reached two million. Fearing for a monarchy, a group of Russian nobles killed Rasputin on December 29, 1916 -
Russian Civil War
Nicholas II, a weak and ineffective leader, blocked attempts to limit his authortiy. He relided on his secret police and other enforcers to impose his will. A corrupt bureaucracy and an overburdened court system added to the goverment's problem. A revolution, they believed, would occur when the time was ripe. -
March Revolution
Diasters on the battle field, combined with food and feul shortages on the home front, brought the monarchy to collapse. Marchers, mostly women, surged through the streets shouting "BREAD, BREAD!!" Finally on the advice of the military and political leaders, the tsar abdicated. -
The abdication of the tsar
Diasters on the battle field combined with food and feul shortages on the home front, brought the monarchy to collapse. Marchers, mostly women, surged through the streets shouting Bread, Bread, and troops refused to fire on the demonstarters, leaving the goverment helpless. Finally on the advice of the military and ploitical leaders, the tsar was abdicated. -
November Revolution
Squads of Red Guards joined mutinous sailors in attacking the provisional goverment. In a matter of days, Lenin's forces overthrew the goverment The Bolsheviks seized power quickley in ther cities. -
Russia officiallt Ends its Involvement in WW1
When Lenin came to power in Russia, he promised to take out Russia. He signed a of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.The treaty enden Russia's participation in World War 1. Russia no longer had the suffering of starvation. And Lenin was able to give the russians peace. -
Formation of the USSR
It set up a legislature, later called the Supreme Soviet,and gave all the citzens over 18 the right to vote. All political power, resources, and means of production would belong to the citizens. Russia, which was the largest repubilc, dominated the other republics. -
Lenin's Death & The Competition to Replace Him
Lenin died in 1924 at the age of 54. His Death set off a powert struggle among the Communist leaders. Eventaually, Stalin isolated Trotsky within the party and stripped him of paert membership. For the years that followed, Stalin used ruthless measures to win dictorial power.