600px flag of the soviet union (1923 1955) svg

Russian History

  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan the Terrible
    In 1547, Czar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) came into power. The reason he was called Ivan the Terrible was because anyone who opposed him got murdered. Although he was terrible, he did lots of great things.
  • Peter The Great

    Peter The Great
    Peter the Great did lots of great things for Russia in his lifetime. He modernized some of Russia, gave freedoms to serfs, and moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II
    Czar Alexander the II did many great things, but what he did that was the most important was modernizing Russia. He did this by emancipating the surfs, building railroads, making modern banking systems, and giving Freedom of the Press.
  • Czar Alexander III

    Czar Alexander III
    Although Alexander III isn't as well known as some of the other Czars, he is most famous for ordering the first Faberge Egg and presenting it to his wife, Maria.
  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II
    Czar Nicholas II came to power at age 26, ready to be Czar. Although the serfs tended not to like him very much, he is most famous for creating a Constitutional Monarchy (but it wasn't very effective.
  • Czar Nicholas II gives up throne

    In 1917, Czar Nicholas II gave up the throne. He didn't want to give it to his son, Alexi, but Nicholas thought he was too youg. He wanted to give it to his brother, but his brother refused. With no one to rule, the Constitutional Monarchary Nicholas had created made an interm government (it lasted 7 months). P. S. That was the last of the Czars.
  • USSR Created

    USSR Created
    In 1922 the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) is created.
  • Lenin Comes to Power

    Lenin Comes to Power
    In 1922 Lenin became the leader of the Communist Party. After 2 years of ruling, he sadly died.
  • Stalin Comes to Power

    Stalin Comes to Power
    In 1929 Stalin became the dictator or Russia. He maintained power through one thing-fear.
  • The Cold War

    Because of disagreements between the 2 countries, America and the USSR had the Cold War. Believe it or not this 40 year standoff never had a single battle. The 2 countries just didn't help each other out.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    In the 1960s, the Soviet Union and the US had a space race. USSR got the first man in space, but the US got the first man on the moon.
  • Cold War Ends!

    Cold War Ends!
    Because USSR citizens are upset with the economy . . . the Berlin Wall is broken down and the Cold War ends!
  • Putin Comes to Power

    Putin Comes to Power
    In 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart . . . so in 2000 Vladimer Putin became president. He ruled for 2 terms, and then his right hand man, Medvedev, became president. He serving for 1 term and then Putin will become president again!
  • Absolute Monarchy Created

    Absolute Monarchy Created
    From 861- the 1500's the Absolute Monarchy was created. This means that one person has ultimute power, like a king.
  • Vikings Enter Russia

    Vikings Enter Russia
    The Vikings from Sweeden crossed the Baltic Sea to enter Russia. They settled west of the Ural Mountains, set up small farming communities, and developed good trade with other kingdoms.