Russian History

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Mongols conquer Kievan Rus

    Mongols conquer Kievan Rus
    Mongol warriors from central asia conqured Kievan Rus. Under mongol rule Kiev lost much power. Some Slavs moved northward and set up settlements. one of these settlements was called Muscovy.
  • Jan 1, 1480

    Ivan III rejects Mongul rule

    Ivan III rejects Mongul rule
    A muscovian prince Ivan III rejected Mongol rule. He then declared independance for his countries. for doing this he became known as Ivan the great.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    IvanVI declares himself czar of Russia

    IvanVI declares himself czar of Russia
    In 1547 Ivan IV son Ivan III declared himself czar of Russia . He set up a secret police to carry out his laws. for setting up the police he became know as Ivan the terrible.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter the great wanted to increase russia's contact with Europe. He also built a new capital in St. Petersburg. At this time the Russian empire extended to the pacific ocean.
  • Napolean Bonaparte

    Napolean Bonaparte
    In 1812 Napolean Bonaparte in vaded much of Russia. Because of the harsh weather conditons many of his soldiers died. As the french armies tracveled to moscow the Russians burned any thing they could use and abandoned the villages.
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    In 1861 Alexander II freed his countries 40 million serfs. After he freed them he modernized the country's ecomomy. With the new economy came new industries and expanding railroads. With these new changes came much poverty for many russians.
  • WWI

    In 1914 joined France and Britan in WWI to fight Germany and Austria. Russia was poorly prepared and lost millions of men. There were many Russians who blamed czar Nicholas II foor the poor performance of the war.
  • Comunist State

    Comunist State
    In 1917 after Russia blamed Nicholas II for the poor wafr effort they revolted. This revolt was lead by Valdimir Lenin and forced the czars off of their thrones. He set up a comunist state. Fearing invasion the countries capital was moved inland from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
  • The Slavic people made the first civilization

    The Slavic people made the first civilization
    The Slavic people built a civilizationaround modern day Ukraine it was then called Kiev. The civilization was called Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus prospered from trade between Byzantine Empire.
  • Missionaries convert the slavs to eastern orthodox

    Missionaries convert the slavs to eastern orthodox
    missionaries from the Byzantine Empire brought the religion of eastern othodox to keivan rus. they converted the slavs to eastern orthodox. they also brought a written language.