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Peter The Great

  • Peter the Great was born

    Peter the Great was born
    Peter The Great was born in Moscow, Russia. He was born on June 9, 1672. He was the 14th child of Zara Alexis, Peter the Great was Russian czar in the 17th century who is best known for his extensive reforms in attempt to establish Russia as a great nation. (Biography.com)
  • Starts to rule Russia

    Starts to rule Russia
    In 1682 Peter the Great started to rule Russia with his brother Ivan V. Peter's brother was the ruler of Russia from 1666 to 1696. Peter and his brother were joint czars of Russia together from 1680 to 1696. Ivan had passed away and that made Peter the Great sovereign of Russia. (Grey pg.46)
  • Peter is officially declared Sovereign of Russia

    Peter is officially declared Sovereign of Russia
    In 1696 Peter the Great is officially declared Sovereign of Russia. Having ruled jointly with his brother Ivan from 1682, when Ivan died in 1696 Peter was officially declared Sovereign for all of Russia. Peter inherited a nation that was severally under developed compared to the culturally prosperous European countries. (britannica.com)
  • Beginning of the Grand Embassy

    Beginning of the Grand Embassy
    In 1697, Peter began his journey on the Grand Embassy. Peter the Great was hoping to gain support in his war against the Ottoman Empire for the northern coast line of the Black Sea. His goal was to build a massive fleet for the war against Turkey but that goal failed and he started the creation of collusion against Sweden.(britannica.com)
  • Paper Manufacturing begins in North America

    Paper Manufacturing begins in North America
    The creation of paper is very important in North America. It is important because humans use paper every single day. We use paper for work, learning, writing notes to each other either, etc. Paper helps people learn how to read and write.(Grun pg. 465)
  • 19,000 inhabitants immigrate to North America

    19,000 inhabitants immigrate to North America
    In 1709, 19,000 inhabitants immigrate to North America. This is important because this shows that our country was and still is a place for people to move to for a new beginning. Also, if some of these families didn’t immigrate here, the US would not be as diverse as it is today.(Grun pg. 322)
  • Established Saint Petersburg

    Established Saint Petersburg
    Peter the Great founded Saint Petersburg in 1712. Saint Petersburg was the capital of Russia for more than 200 years from 1712 to 1918. Saint Petersburg was seized from being the capital in 1918 after the French revolution in 1917. (Grey pg. 172)
  • Stamp Act is created in England

    Stamp Act is created in England
    In 1712 the Stamp Act was created in England. The Stamp Act was created to create a tax on publishers particularly to newspapers. The act required that newspapers, all pamphlets, legal documents , commercial bills, advertisements, and other papers will be issued a tax.(Thackeray pg 154)
  • Peter marries Catherine l

    Peter marries Catherine l
    In 1712 Peter publicly married Catherine the I. They got married when Peter was 17 years old and Catherine was only 16 years old. Peter's marriage was significant because when a leader dies their son or daughter can become leader in keep the family royalty going. (Thackeray pg.32)
  • Slave revolts in New York

    Slave revolts in New York
    In 1712, slave revolts began in New York. 23 enslaved African Americans killed nine white people and hurt another six before they were stopped. This event shows that African American slaves started to have a voice and fight for their rights in the United States. (Grun pg.354)
  • The first cricket match was played

    The first cricket match was played
    In 1719, the first cricket match was played. The first match was between Kent and London. Kent played London in the first match recorded by a representative from London. The match was played at White Conduit Fields.(Grun pg.473)
  • Regular postal service created between London and New England

    Regular postal service created between London and New England
    In 1720, the first regular postal service was created between London and New England. A postal service between London and New England is important because it lets families and friends who live in the US to communicate with each other. It is also important because it is an overseas Postal Service. Lastly, it lets the countries communicate about world events. (Grun pg. 378)
  • Peter wins Northern war

    Peter wins Northern war
    In 1721, Peter the Great of Russia won the northern war. The northern war lasted 21 years from 1700 to 1721. Peter and Russia we’re up against Sweden. The war ended with the defeat of Sweden, leaving Russia as a new dominant power in the Baltic region and as a new major force in European politics. (Thackeray pg.165)
  • Peter proclaims Russia as an empire

    Peter proclaims Russia as an empire
    In 1721, Peter proclaimed Russia as an empire. After he proclaimed this, Peter the Great got the title of Emperor of all Russia. The emperor or empress of all of Russia was the absolute end leader of the constitutional monarch of the Russian Empire. It was created in connection with the victory in the great northern war and appeared as the adoption of the czars title under the excepted system of living in Russia. (Grey pg.97)
  • Peter falls from illness

    Peter falls from illness
    In 1723, Peter the great falls ill. Peter had never had the best of health in the winter of 1723. He began to suffer problems with a blocked urinary tract. In an emergency operation the blockage was cleared and 4 pounds of uriny was removed but Peter never truly recovered. (biography.com)
  • Peter the Great dies

    Peter the Great dies
    On February 8, 1725, Peter the great passed away. He died between four and five in the morning. He was 52 years old when he died having reigned for 42 years. He was buried in St. Petersburg at the Peter and Paul Cathedral.(biography.com)