Russia to 1941 Timeline

  • March Revolution

    This Revolution had two main groups of people with different veiws of how the war impacted russia. Optimists thought that Russia was ruined by the first world war, while pessimists thought that the war was the last step in bringing the whole "rotten structure down." This revolution was leaderless and very spontaneous, The revolution got so out of hand that the Tsar ordered an attack on the protesters. But the Crossacks refuseded,and joined the protesters.This is what led to the Provisional Gov.
  • Provisional Goverment

    The provisional govermnet came to power due the Tsar abdicated. The soviet and the duma then got together and declared the Provintional Goverment which was made mostly up of moderates and some radicals from the Soviet. There was a power strugle between liberals and Marxists at the time involving wether the revolution should continue or not. Other weaknesses was the learders saw themselfs as illegitimate becauses they were not elected, and misjudged the russian people regard to the war effort.
  • April Thesis

    Lenin Had been exiled due to his revolutionary ways, but was smuggled back with the help of the Germans. They did this not to help russia but because they believed Lenin would do more harm then good,(which was correct.) Lenin Wanted the revolution to go farther so he called for the April thesis: 1) Proletariat and peasants to bring about communist revolution.
    2) Immediate peace. 3) Seizure of the Gentry land. 4)all power to the soviet people. 5) Seizure of Factories.
  • Kornilov Affair

    There was a loose alliance between Socialists led by Kerensky and Constitutional Democrats led by General Kornilov. Kerensky and Kornilov agreed to send government troops to protect the goverment, howerever Kerensky turned this into a chance to take over the ruling of russia. Kerensky appealed to save and contune the revoution. Mostly being bolshevik factory workers. After this Bolsheviks had proved the type of power they have. Kornilov had come to a stop due to his lack of contole over his army
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution was a very planned affair. Bolsheviks gained controle over Petrograd, and then furthered there contol to Moscow on October 23. Lenin joined and together the Bolsheviks arrested the provisional goverment and seized power on November 7.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Lenin decided to make peace with Germany. He believed that there was no way a young goveremnt would be able to handle huge problems faceing Russia while continuing to fight a foreign war. To settle the brest-litovsk treaty Lenin willing gave up huge amounts of land to Germany.
  • War Communism summer

    War communism had begune to change. This was through the Nationalizing of the industry, Private industry was no more. Compulsory labour was introduced. Private trade was suppressed, it was replaced with rationing and government distribution of food. All land was now state property and could only be used by those who would cultivate it themsleves. The nature of Communism, peasents were forced to turn in most of their productsinthe goverments desperate way in feeding the red army.
  • Civil War

    This war begain when the whites rose to challenge the reds for control over Russia. Bolsheviks were know as red and white consisted of Tsarist army officers, cossacks, Bourgeoisie and, outlawed political people. The white didnt do well in Petrograd, Moscow, and Kiev because reds controlled these areas. 14 different countries sent in troops to U.S.S.R topervent germany from seising war materials, they also offered materials and protection to the whites.but in the end it was not enough,Reds Won
  • New Eonomic Policy

    Lenin new that War communism was cleary not helping Russias Economy, so the new economic Policy was lauched. In it he said, some private trade was permitted, peasants were allowed to sell surplus, workers in small Factories were permitted to ``purchase`` their factory under co-operative arrangment and therefore return it to private ownership. Lenin put asside his ideas on Marxism for awhile to improve the lives of the russia people.
  • The Treaty of Rapallo

    This was an agreement between U.S.S.R and Germany. It involved U.S.S.R maunfacturing illegal war materials for Germany that was forbidden due to the Treaty of Versailles. U.S.S.R was alsoreceiving steel manufacturing technology for germany.
  • Five Year Plan

    This first five year plan mostly involved collectivization, and command economy. The state had control over production, distribution and consumption. Kolkhoz were also established, it was a method where all the land was pooled, and peasents were under control of the party officials. This had been very harsh. Some peasants resisted which led only to famine. Stalin was using the production of the land to provide the capital with payment, instead of keeping the food in Russia where it was needed.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    This was not a formal Treaty, It was a policy to denouce war as a method of solving disputes. It involved the countries Germany. U.S.A., and U.S.S.R
  • Normalization

    The U.S.S.R began to recover from the first world war and civil war. She started to participate in the affairs of the west to encourage collective security. She signed the Kellogg-Brand pact, joined the league of nations, signed multiple non aggression pacts with Poland, Estronia, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Finland. Mutral assistance with France and Czechoslovakia. And the seventh Congress.
  • Five year Plan

    After the first Five year plan maney thought Stalin was too harsh, and that Kirov would be a better choice as leader. as a result Stalin had him killed, which also led to Stalin killing all of the old gaurd in fear of him losing his position as leader. The five year plans did reach there goals. Agricultual production was increasing greatly along with Urbanization. By 1935 rationing was slowly ending increasing the standard of living for the russians.
  • The Purges

    Stalin had a fear that old heros from the revolution would try to take controle over russia, they could do this with there control over the army. So to get ride of these comanders he executed them with the charge of ``plotting against the goverment.`` He would pay for it later though. Because he had killed all the companders he had no one to run the armys when they went to war a few years later. causing many deaths to the russian people.
  • League of Nations

    In an act of gaining collective security U.S.S.R joined the league of nations.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    During august 1939 in Moscow, Germany and U.S.S.R signed a pact to stay neutralized between each other. They still didnt like each other. Part of the secret pact was there agreement on the division of Poland.