Russia to 1941 Timeline

By tony2
  • March 1917 Revolution

    March 1917 Revolution
    Key Players: Tsar Nicholas II, the peasants
    -peasants went on strike, marched towards the Winter Palace
    -army turned on the Tsar
    -Provisional Government was established
    -Tsar abdicates
  • Provisional Government

    Provisional Government
    Key players: Lvov, Kerensky
    -government in Russia from March-November, 1917
    -took over power from Tsar Nicholas II
  • April Thesis

    April Thesis
    Key players: Lenin
    -Lenin arrives back and issues his April Theses in the newspaper Pravda
    -influenced the July Days and October Revolution
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    Key players: Kornilov, Kerensky
    -alleged attempted coup by Kornilov of the Provisional Government
    -Bolsheviks gained support by helping Kerensky
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Key players: Bolsheviks, Lenin, Provisional Government
    -Bolsheviks take over Provisional Government
    -had support of the Soviets
    -better planned and more organized then the March Revolution
  • New Government

    Key players: Lenin, Bolsheviks
    -overthrew the Provisional Government
  • Civil War

    Key players: Red Army(Trotsky), White Army
    -between the Reds(communists) and the Whites(everyone else)
    -Reds won because they were more organized
    -communism in Russia
    -Lenin held power
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Key players: Russia, Germany
    -peace treaty that got Russia out of World War
    -Russia gave up lots of land and resources to Germany
  • War Communism

    Key players: Lenin
    -system with the aim of keeping the Red Army supplied with weapons and food
    -compounded the poverty and starvation of the peasants
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Key players: Lenin
    -economic policy which privatized certain things
    -came after War Communism
    -production increased, recovered from wartime economy
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Key players: Russia, Germany
    -renounced all territorial and financial claims against each other
    -enabled German army to produce weapons in USSR
  • Five Year Plans 1928, 1933 and 1934

    Key players: Stalin
    -series of centralized economic policies
    -based around rapid industrialization
    -came after the New Economic Policy
    -13 total plans until 1990's
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    Key players: US, France, UK, Italy, many others
    -denounced war as a way to solve problems
    -was a good idea, unrealistic though
  • The Purges

    The Purges
    Key players:Stalin
    -Stalin arrested and executed people who opposed or threatened him
    -approximately 8-10 million dead
  • Russia joins League of Nations

    Key players: Russia, League of Nations
    -by 1934, Russia had a relatively stable society
    -hadn't had a war in many years
    -was more involved in European and World affairs again
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Key players: Stalin, Hitler
    -pact that stated both countries would remain neutral if either became involved in a war
    -Hitler eventually invaded Russia, but it gave Russia extra time to prepare