Russia timeline

  • Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto
    This picture fits the october manifesto because it is a picture of the document with an added on blood hand print. This shows the devastation of the 1905 revolution and the october manifesto that Nicholas the II made to stop it.
  • Beginning of WWI for Russia

    Beginning of WWI for Russia
    This picture represents the beginning of WW1 for russia because it shows the Russian soldiers sitting in the trenches representing the difficult trench warfare they had to go to while fighting Austria-Hungary for declaring war on serbia.
  • Tsar Nicholas II took control of all military operations

    Tsar Nicholas II took control of all military operations
    This picture fits the event because it shows tsar nicholas II in the middle of his soldiers when he took control of the military.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    This image shows the Russian soldiers marching towards the eastern front in WW1. This was in an attempt to relieve the pressure Germany was putting on Russia, by launching an attack on the eastern front, forcing them to relocate troops. This was the deadliest offensive attack in history, with about 500,000-1,000,000 Russian deaths, 600,000 Austrian deaths, and 150,000-350,00 German deaths.
  • Assasintion of Rasputin

    Assasintion of Rasputin
    This picture represents the Death of Rasputin because it shows the bullet hole in his back from when he was shot by Prince Felix Yusupov.
  • International women's day march in Petrograd

    International women's day march in Petrograd
    This picture is accurate to show this event because it shows all the women protesting over bread and peace with their signs. It also shows how it wasn't necessarily violent in the beginning and was a peaceful protest until the soldiers and everyone came in.
  • Abdication of Nicholas II

    Abdication of Nicholas II
    This picture shows the document of Tsar nicholas II writing his abdication and how he is sitting looking sad. This represents his hesitation while writing this but in the end he had to sign it and resign his power.
  • Provisional government formed

    Provisional government formed
    This picture represents the small group of people that represent the provisional government around 12 people that were supposed to speak the for whole country. This was implemented directly after the abdication of tsar Nicholas II.
  • April thesis published

    April thesis published
    This picture shows the english translation of the april theses on a flyer representing how people wanting to spread the news and show everyone the april thesis. It also shows him standing on a stand in front of lots of people representing how the people wanted his voice heard and wanted to hear him themselves.
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    This picture represents how when Lenin returned from his exile of 10 years everyone was happy and excited. This shows his massive support from the bolsheviks and how people thought of him as the new "savior" of russia and its government.
  • First all Russian congress of Soviet meets

    First all Russian congress of Soviet meets
    This picture shows the professional setting of the meeting and how many people actually attended. This is a good fit for the event because it reveals what the meeting of the soviets looks like and how professional and popular the meeting was.
  • July days

    July days
    This image shows many people fighting on the streets of Petrograd, in an uprising against the provisional government. many of the people rioting were workers, soldiers, and sailors. Many of the rioters were Bolsheviks or Bolshevik supporters. Lenin went to the riots and gave a short speech without offering his full support, which caused violence and crime outbreaks. Over 1000 Bolsheviks/Bolshevik supporters were arrested.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    This image shows General Kornilov and other army officers behind him. General Kornilov was the Commander-in-chief of the Russian army. Kornilov wanted to march with his army into Petrograd, to restore order and take down the Bolsheviks.
  • Trotsky organizes red guard to defend petrograd

    Trotsky organizes red guard to defend petrograd
    This image shows Leon Trotsky with the Red Guard around him. Trotsky ordered the Red Guard to storm into Petrograd to restore order and defend Petrograd from Kornilov and his army.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow provisional government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow provisional government and take control
    This image shows Lenin's Bolshevik army outside a government building. The Bolsheviks believed that the provisional government was incapable of running Russia, and believed they would have a better lead over Russia. The Bolsheviks stormed government buildings in Petrograd, putting themselves in power.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    This image is a representation of a man in the Cheka, or the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission. The Cheka was formed by the Bolsheviks, attempting to create a secret police force. This organization was created with the intent of preventing counter-revolutionaries from arising in Russia.
  • Wartime Communism Created

    Wartime Communism Created
    This image shows Kulaks hoarding their grain and food. This was done due to the harsh conditions of war communism put on the people of Russia. War communism was policies put in place by the Bolsheviks to help the soldiers fighting in the war. Policies that were put in place forced peasants to ration out their food, taking food away from them.
  • .Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    .Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    This image shows the Constituent Assembly holding a meeting. This was a democratically elected assembly with the intent of creating a constitution and providing a voice for the people of Russia. This assembly was soon disbanded by the Bolsheviks, as it was a threat to their power and Lenin's dictatorship.
  • treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This image shows the treaty of Brest-Litovsk being signed. This treaty was between Russia and the Central powers, which were made up of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire). This treaty called for a ceasefire between Russia and the Central Powers. This treaty also officially pulled Russia out of World War 1.
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    This picture shows the Red Army, from the Bolsheviks. This image displays the Red Terror in Russia from September 2, 1918-1922. The Red Army would arrest, kill, and mass murder people deemed as their "enemies". This can be seen in the image as the Red army is killing people.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    The picture depicts the Soviet-Polish war and specifically in this it represents that they went back in fourth in control. The soviets here had a counterattack pushing toward the Polish capitol but eventually were repelled.
  • Kolchak starts a serious attack vs Reds from Siberia

    Kolchak starts a serious attack vs Reds from Siberia
    Kolchak makes a last stand against the Reds from the ice cold Siberia which is shown in the picture of Alexander Kolchak leading his army to defeat the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war.
  • Tambov rebillion

    Tambov rebillion
    The picture shows the spread of the largest peasant revolution against the Reds and Lenin's new Bolshevik government. Around 240,000 loss of peasant life.
  • Poles move toward Kiev (Kiev offensive)

    Poles move toward Kiev (Kiev offensive)
    The picture shows the Polish army entering an unguarded Kiev because they believed that if the key city was in polish control the Red army would be in much trouble. Poland wanted favorable borders.
  • Ending of Wartime communism

    Ending of Wartime communism
    The picture shows the lack of support for wartime communism and now that the Russian civil war had just ended along with Lenin thinking he needed more support he ditched wartime communism in favor or a more capitalist NEP.
  • Kronstadt uprising

    Kronstadt uprising
    Naval sailors and infantry led a revolution shown in the picture because they claim the Bolsheviks went against the October revolution citing Cheka terror. The Picture shows how the sailors were the leaders of the revolution.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    The picture shows Germany and Russia becoming more friendly as they agree to drop all financial and territorial claims against each other.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    The picture is from Ukraine as the Soviets pushed out political control marking the very beginning of the USSR. This picture shows the oppressions that it brought.
  • Formation of the Soviet union

    Formation of the Soviet union
    The picture shows all the territories that are a part of the USSR. After Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Transcaucasia the Marxist Communist Lenin takes control of the new union.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    Lenin dies of an incurable blood vessel disease. He gives the power of the USSR to Joseph Stalin.