Russia 1750-1918

  • Period: to

    russian history

  • 'seven years war'

    17th August 1756, the 'seven years war' began. On the 17th of May, 1757 Russian troops entered the war.
  • Russian Colonisation

    Austria, Prussia, and Russia divided Poland amongst themselves. Russia received Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine from Poland
  • The Tsars

    The Tsar was a system of government.
    Between 1762 -1917 there were 3 main Tsars ruling Russia.
    Catherine the Great who ruled between 1762-1796. Catherine’s reign ended in 1796 when she died of a stroke.
    Nicholas I then ruled Russia between 1825-1856. When Nicholas died the next Tsar in line was his son Nicholas II who wanted nothing to do with it. Nicholas lacked the necessary qualities to rule the throne therefore failed to lead successfully.
    TheTsar was overthrown by the Russian Revolution
  • Russo-Turkish War

    (1768–1774): The Ottoman sultan declared war on Russia.
  • Russian victory

    The Russians had victory over Napoleon
  • Crimean war

    The Crimean War was a conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Sardinia.
    The Ottoman Empire first declared war on Russia.
    Then Britain and France declared war on Russia.
    In order to prevent the Austrian Empire entering the war, Russia evacuated Wallachia and Moldavia.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Japan launched a surprise torpedo attack on the Russian navy at Port Arthur.
    Japan won!
  • bloody sunday

    bloody sundayThe 1905 Russian Revolution was sparked off by a peaceful protest held on January 22nd.
  • World War 1

    30 July: Russia mobilized its army to defend Serbia.
    1 August: Germany declared war on Russia in defense of Austria-Hungary.
    August 6, 1914: Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia
    September: Battle of Masurian Lakes between the Russian First Army and Germany. No victory was claimed but over 100,000 Russians were taken prisoner
    October 29: Turkey enters the Great War helping with the naval bombardment of Russia
    November 2: Russia declared war on Turkey