Russain Timeline

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    • Occured in the Senate Square
    • Russian army leaders revolted against Nicholas I's assumption to the throne
    • revolt was suppressed by Nicholas I
    • caused by the sworn alligience to Constantine, Nicholas's brother
    • many soldiers were apprehended for their actions, and turmoil raged inside Russian borders
    • People later feared for survival if they disobeyed or didn't promise allegiance to the new Tsar
  • Emancipation of the Serfs

    Emancipation of the Serfs
    • proclaimed the emancipation of serfs in large estates
    • more than 23 million people gain liberty
    • better living conditions were imposed
    • new mir communities gave land equally to newly freed serfs
    • caused by lack of freedom and angered peasants
    • In Georgia, serfs were given large portions of land, even treated better than those freed in Russia
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    • Massacre in St. Petersburg, Russia
    • peaceful demonstrators were gunned down by the Imperial Guard
    • Target: a petition to Tsar Nicholas II, about changing society
    • Tsars were viewed as neglecting the common people after the event -Bloody Sunday caused more support for a new state of Russia
    • demonstration led by Father Gapon
    • several demonstrations around St. Petersburg, that all ended with gunfire at the peaceful protestors
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    • Caused by social and political unrest
    • peasants were angry at the Tsar
    • led to the Russian Constitution, a limited constitutional monarchy, and the State Duma of the Russian Empire
    • opposition rose against Tsar Nicholas II
    • different strikes and rebellions occured during the time of unrest
    • people were upset about the Russo-Japanese War
    • political terrorism also increased during this time
  • Russia enters World War I

    Russia enters World War I
    • War started because the Austrian heir to the throne was killed
    • Austrians felt it was the Serbians, who were allies with the Russians
    • Germany declares war on Russia because of the treaties of previous wars and agreements between nations
    • Russia had the largest army at the time of the war
    • the war caused much damage to Europe and its image to the rest of the world -Germany was charged with reparations for the damages in the Treaty of Versailles
    • Russia and allies were victorious!
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    • Rasputin was peasant who claimed to have healing powers
    • He angered the Tsaress at the time, because the nobles could not stand seeing a peasant that high of level
    • He was known for going against the Tsar government
    • It is said, Rasputin had been killed by stabbings, shootings, and drowning
    • killed by Khionia Guseva,
    • Consequences: Rasputin death, leaving a legend for decades, and sprouted new revolutions in Russia
  • Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Tsar Nicholas II Abdicates
    • troops mutinied against him and his reign
    • unrest with his policies and the failure in war
    • originally abdicated in favor of Alexei, but later revised his thoughts
    • poor treatment of peasants also led to domestic unrest
    • after his abidication, he was exiled, and the Russian government was changed
    • He was the last Russian emperor
    • Abdication led to the new formation of the USSR, and future issues
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    • riots broke out in St. Petersburg
    • many Russian citizens rebelled against the government
    • wanted change in government, and social reform
    • rebellions were caused by civil unrest with the way the country was being run during World War I
    • the revolution ended the Romanov dynasty, the Russian empire, and caused the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II
    • this paved the way for the Bolshevik revolution and the formation of the USSR
    • military failures in World War I also provoked anger and change
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    • This revolution changed government in Russia
    • gave power to common locals, and dominated by the Bolsheviks
    • Started Russian Civil War (1917-1922)
    • This revolution created the Soviet Union after the Russian Civil War
    • Revolution caused by disorder in industry, politics, and transport
    • Peasants began to uprise against the landowners in 1917
    • Hundreds of thousands participated in demonstrations agaisnt the government
  • Murder of the Romanovs

    Murder of the Romanovs
    -Family was murdered in Ekateringburg
    - were placed under house arrest after their abdiction
    - the entire family was exiled from St. Petersburg, and later transported to the Ural Mts.
    - Romanovs gave Lenin major problems, which is why they were being executed
    -12 Red Army soldiers executed all in the family, except rumors say the Anastasia, the youngest daughter, survived the murder
    - murder of the Romanovs created tension in the country
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    -peace treaty at the end of World War I
    - treaty between Germany and Allied Forces
    - included many important and controversial agreements on both sides
    - caused by the long fighting in World War I
    - treaty made Germany pay heavy reparations, disarm and unoccupy land
    - Germans were outraged at the terms of the treaty, which increased possibility of future war
    - administered by the League of Nations, similar to the United Nations in modern society
  • Lenin Dies/USSR forms

    Lenin Dies/USSR forms
    -Vladimir Lenin led the Red Army during the Russian Civil War, supported the October Revolution
    - Was the first leader of Soviet Union
    - Lenin studied law before his death
    - Soviet Union was morphed by Lenin's policies
    - USSR formed to better Russia
    -USSR tried to become a superpower nation, and face the US in a Cold War - USSR begins to modernize into a competitive nation
  • Stalin takes Power/Trotsky Dies

    Stalin takes Power/Trotsky Dies
    • Trotsky, a leader of Bolshevik revolution and marxist, dies in 1940
    • Stalin takes power in 1922 -Stalin and Trotsky opposed eachother politically
    • Trotsky organized attempts to overthrow Stalin
    • Stalin gained popularity and changed policies of Soviet Union
    • Stalin dies in 1953, causing new power fight over Soviet Union