Russain Revolution

By Auzzy
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

    Timeline of the Russain Revolution
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    Many workers were unhappy, with their working conditions. So they created groups which fought agaisnt the Czar. The main group of these workers were the Bolsheviks.
    Significance:The workers wanted a change in government
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    After Bloody Sunday, many Russians were horrified at the news. Riots broke out in the streets and peasants looted and burned the homes of landowners.
    Significance: The 1905 revolution had not answered the disenchantment of revolutionary groups within Russia. Also little changed happened.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Tsarist troops fire upon peaceful protestors, who were begging the Tsar for help. 130 people were killed and also hundereds were wounded.
    Significance: Many workers who had previously supported the Tsar, now joined the revolutionary groups.
  • October Manifesto

    October Manifesto
    The manifesto addressed the unrest in Russia and pledged to grant civil liberties to the people, such as freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
    Significance: Even those these laws were passed the Tsar still had more power than the Duma, so he could still over turn these laws.
  • Summer of 1905

    Summer of 1905
    All of Russia was on strike. Most effective general strike in history. During the strike the first Soviet was formed in St. Petersburg. (Group of Marxist revolutionary workers.)
    Significance:This strike went on and helped build the soviet union.
  • Russia Enters WW1

    Russia Enters WW1
    Russia had entered world war I after Austria declared war against Serbia.
    Significance: It caused Germany to fight on two fronts, and also many countries gained back land from the war.
  • Rasputin Murdered

    Rasputin Murdered
    Rasputin was a monk who claimed to have special abilities to predict the future and have healing capabilites. He healed the emperors son that had hemophilia.
    Significance: People wanted him to stick around to heal others, but others wanted him dead becauce they thought he was dirty and ruining Russia
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Women textile workers in Petrograd striked because of their shortages of bread and food. In the next 5 days, almost 200,000 workers rioted in the streets. The soldiers that were told to shoot the rioters, but then sided with them. This revolution forced Czar Nicholas ll to abdicate his throne.
    Significance: This caused people to be allot happier, because since the Czar was gone. The people ruled Russia!
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks organized a social revolution. Which was led by Lenin, they won support with a slogan of "Land! Peace! Bread!." After Lenin's arrest and then being freed, he announced that the peasants could keep their land and he signed the Treaty of BrestLitovsk, withdrawing Russia from WWI.
    Significance: It took Russia out of royal control and turned Russia into the USSR by Vladimir Lenin.
  • Private Trade was Suppressed

    Private Trade was Suppressed
    All land became state property to be used only by those who would cultivate it themselves.
    Significance: Peasants didn't want to supply food for the government because they got little in return.
  • Nationalization of Industry

    Nationalization of Industry
    The government started to get rid of private industries.
    Significance: Private industries disappeared almost entirely.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty was a peace settlement, which was signed after WW1 ended. It was signed between Germany and the Allies. The treaty satisfied the Big Three and led into the making of the League of Nations.
    Significance: All of the Big Three wanted the same thing, which was to make Germany pay for what they did to Europe!
  • Lenin In Power

    Lenin In Power
    Lenin made a new economic system called New Economic Policy which allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government.
    Significance: The peasants, want to grow their crops because they grow them fo
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    Stalin becomes dictator because Lenin suffered a stroke. After Lenin died, Stalin was in total control of the Communist Party.
    Significance: New governement comes to power and Stalin is in control of the country and can whatever he pleases