Roses timeline

  • Birth

    My mother went into labor at Providence Southfield.
  • Period: to

    First two years- biosocial

    My birthweight was tripled by age one. I was 9lbs at birth and by my first birthday I was almost 27 lbs. I also learned to crawl and by 18 months I was walking all over. (Biosocial)
  • Period: to

    first two years- cognitive

    Before age 2 I was learning to talk. At first I did a lot of babbling and repeating certain syllables, then I was able to speak certain words. (Cognitive)
  • Period: to

    first two years- psycosocial

    By age two I developed the concept of attachment. I developed the couage to explore knowing that my mother was in near sight. In my early years, my mother was a stay at home mom and was always around when I needed her. (Psycosocial)
  • Period: to

    Early childhood- biosocial

    I got my first cavity in a baby tooth when I was five years old. The dentist told me I was eating too many sweets and to make sure I'm brushing. Luckily the tooth fell out and I learned my leason. (biosocial)
  • Period: to

    Early childhood- cognitive

    In kindergarden they started teaching us spanish. Every week we had a spanish teacher come in and teach us a few words in spanish. (cognitive)
  • Period: to

    early childhood- psycosocial

    My mom would always set up play dates with other children from my class and I remember always playing with a little girl named Randi. We did everything together and since both our moms were stay at home moms we were best friends. We started in a soccer league at age five.
  • Period: to

    Middle childhood- cognitive

    They began doing MEAP testing around second grade. I always wanted to do well. My parents would always encourage me to do my best on any test, so I did.
  • Period: to

    Middle childhood- biosocial

    There was a group of children who would play kickball at the house next store to me. We would play until the sun went down. I would also ride my bike around the block trying to find neighborhood friends to play with in the summer. My mom never liked me staying inside all day.
  • Period: to

    Middle childhood- psycosocial

    I remember having pen pals at my school. We would write to them every week and one year we went to visit our pen pals. They were students just like us. They were the same age and gender. I remember the students being African American. We learned about their culture.
  • Period: to

    Adolescence- cognitive

    I took the ACT's in my junior year of high school. I wanted to go to Grand Valley University. (cognitive)
  • Period: to

    Adolescence- biosocial

    I began puberty early, around age 12. My mom taught me how to shave my legs in the bathtub. My period started at age 12 and there was this pool party I missed because I was so embarressed. Even using a tampon I thought there would be blood in the water.
  • Period: to

    Adolescence- psycosocial

    My best friend attempted suicide my sophmore year of high school. She did not suceed and her family admitted her to Havenwick mental hospital. I went there twice to visit her which was hard.
  • Sweet 16 adolescence (psycosocial)

    I was working at Pretzel Time at Twelve Oaks mall and my sister picked me up. When I got home the house was dark and I walked into a surprise party with all my friends and family. ( Psychosocial)
  • Period: to

    Emerging adulthood- biosocial

    I walked in the 3 day breast cancer walk (60 miles total, 20 miles a day) with my mom in 2011. I trained with my mom each week and we were in great shape.
  • Period: to

    Emerging adulthood- psycosocial

    I started a relationship with my boyfriend. We broke up after a year of dating.
  • Emerging adulthood- cognitive

    Started nursing school for my LPN
  • Period: to

    Adulthood- biosocial

    Most likely I will be in menopause. I might need to get glasses for reading. I will be waking up with more aches and pains.
  • Period: to

    adulthood- psycosocial

    I will be married with children. Possibly two or three children.
  • Period: to

    Adulthood- cognitive

    I will hopefully be up to date on all current events. If I have children, I would like to help them with schoolwork. I might even continue with my education and get my BSN in nursing.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood- biosocial

    I may have poor eyesight and hearing. I will hopefully still be able to move around and be active. I will hopefully be in good health.
  • Period: to

    late adulthood- cognitive

    I may have a hard time remembering things. My brain will have slowed down quite a bit. I will continue to read and do suduku puzzles to keep my mind sharp.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood- psycosocial

    I may be retired with my husband, living together. All the children will have moved out. I may even do some volunteer work to pass the time.