roman timeline

By brlynam
  • 753 BCE

    rome is founded

    rome is founded
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome
  • 27 BCE

    augustus becomes roman's first emporor

    augustus becomes roman's first emporor
  • 1 BCE

    jesus is thought to be born

    jesus is thought to be born
  • 117

    the roman empire reaches its largest extent

    the roman empire reaches its largest extent
  • 313

    emperor constanine ends the persecution of christians in the empire

    emperor constanine ends the persecution of christians in the empire
  • 380

    Theodosius I declares Christianity to be the sole religion of the Roman Empire.

    Theodosius I declares Christianity to be the sole religion of the Roman Empire.
  • 395

    Rome splits into two empires

    Rome splits into two empires
  • 476

    the western roman empire collapses

    the western roman empire collapses
  • 527

    justinian becomes byzantine emperor

    justinian becomes byzantine emperor
  • 1054

    great schism divides eastern orthodox and roman catholic churches

    great schism divides eastern orthodox and roman catholic churches
  • 1453

    constaninople falls to the ottoman turks. byzantine empire ends

    constaninople falls to the ottoman turks. byzantine empire ends