
Roman Republic To Roman Empire

  • 100

    Octavian Marc Antony

    Octavian Marc Antony
  • 100

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    In Pax Romana March 15, 44 BCE was a time a Roman peace . Roman was very wealthy and peacfull for 200 years. Pax Romana was 27 BC to 180 AD.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    Roman Republic to Roman Empire

  • 133

    Fall of Roman Republic

    Fall of Roman Republic
    The decline of the roman repulic was when people were conquered and forced to work as slaves for huge amounts of grain. Farmers flocked to Rome and other cities looking for jobs and had a huge devotion to their duties.
  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    Marcus ruled 161 CE-180 CE. His sone successor would become the next emperor after him. Marcus was the best of the 5 emperors, and was also an active leader he would fight with his army.He spent a lot of time protecting borders. He also made a common currency that would be used throughout the entire empire.
  • 236


    Nero ruled 26 Ad -68 AD He loved being in power and having control and such authority. Nero set Rome on fire and blamed it on the Christians. So the people or Rome did'n't like christains and they were punished in harsh ways that sometimes caused death.
  • 305


    Dioclethion tried to save the empire from the damage as much as he could. He tried to save the empire and made 2 major decisons the first decision is to appoiont a co-emperor. Second is to deivide the empire into 2 sections ( Western Eastern).He doubled army size and imporved taxes. Diocletion ruled the wealthier half. Dicletion gave up his power in 305 CE.
  • 400

    Invasion and collapse

    Invasion and collapse
    In the 400s there was a series of very bad leaders and militery.When invasions started eastern empire was easier to defend because they had a smaller border to defend and a stronger army. On the west side they had a weaker army and a larger border to defend Barbarians took anything of value (410 CE)
  • 476

    Collapse of Roman Empire.

    Collapse of Roman Empire.
    In 476 CE ostrogots led the final attackes and Rome, which caused the collapse on Rome. The eastern side of Rome survived and is now called the Byzantine Empire. Now there is no longer and Roman Empire.
  • Commondus

    Commondus loved the idea of being emperor, but he didn't like all the work that was included. He ruled 180 C.E. - 192 C.E.. Commondus was more interseted in entertainment he was a social/partying emperor and did't really focus on anything else but himself. If he was low on money then he would have a wealthy citizen killed and assume his or her wealth. His sister planned his assascination but that failed. Senators killed him December 31,192 C.E. Since there was no successor civil wars broke.