roman history

By ivan.b
  • 3000 BCE

    ancidens romans

    ancidens romans
    L’Antiga Roma és tant la ciutat de Roma com l’Estat que finançava a l’Antiguitat. La idea de l’Antiga Roma és inseparable de la cultura llatina. Es va formar per una agrupació de pobles al segle VIII a. C. i va dominar el món mediterrani i l’Europa Occidental des del segle I fins al V mitjançant la guerra militar conquista i l’assimilació de les elits locals. El seu domini ha deixat importants foques arqueològiques i nombrosos testimonis literaris.wiquipedia
  • 2000 BCE

    history roman

    history roman
    Ancient Rome is both the city of Rome and the State it founded in Antiquity. The idea of ​​Ancient Rome is inseparable from Latin culture. It was formed by a group of peoples in the eighth century BC. C. and dominated the Mediterranean world and Western Europe from the first to the fifth century through military conquest and the assimilation of local elites. His domain has left important archaeological traces and numerous literary testimonies.wiquipedia
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 476

    Roman economy

    During the Roman Republic, the Roman economy was largely agrarian, centered on the trading of commodities such as grain and wine. Financial markets were established through such trade, and financial institutions which extended credit for personal use and public infrastructure, were established primarily through inter-family wealth. In times of agricultural and cash shortfall, Roman officials and moneyers tended to respond by coining money.wiquipedia
  • 1452 BCE

    Roman mythology

    Roman mythology
    Roman mythology, that is, the mythological beliefs of the inhabitants of Ancient Rome, can be considered as formed by two parts: The first, mostly ancient and ritualistic, represented the myths and native cults. The second, mainly late and literary, consists in the merger of the previous one with several loans, completely new, coming from Greek mythology.wiquipedia
  • 1300 BCE

    Román Cloud

    Román Cloud
    The Roman toga was a garment that only citizens could wear. ... The clothes of the Roman women consisted of a stole, long tunic that reached the ankles, which were put on a basic tunic. On the stole they wore the palla, a kind of mantle or light veil of various colors.wiquipedia
  • 1200 BCE

    tradisions romans

    tradisions romans
    The objective of this work is to show the central role of tradition as an essential criterion of acceptance in the Roman official religion. It is intended to emphasize the relevance of the religious sphere in Rome that affected all social classes and provoked different reactions. In addition, he emphasizes some philosophical arguments that supported or rejected the belief in the gods..´´Tradición y costumbres en la religión romana - SciELO´´
  • 1100 BCE


    Description A gladiator was an armed combatant who entertained the public during the Republic and the Roman Empire in violent confrontations against other gladiators, wild animals and death row inmates.wiquipedia
  • 1000 BCE

    Román food

    Román food
    The first Romans ate only to feed themselves, they knew very few foods. The most common dishes were Palmetum, millet porridge, or peas; Puls, wheat flour porridge and Other cereals to which they sometimes added butter; La Polenta, porridge made with barley flour.wiquipedia
  • 1000 BCE

    caused roman imperi

    caused roman imperi
    The decline and fall of the Roman Empire is a historiographic concept that refers to the transformations operated during the Third Century Crisis and the Lower Roman Empire, which from 395 led to a rapid deterioration of Roman power, and to the collapse of the Empire of The West, whose last effective emperor, Rómulo Augústulo, was deposed by the caudillo Hérulo Odoacro, employed at the service of Rome.Historiografía de la decadencia del Imperio romano - Wikipedia
  • 902 BCE

    Hause Román

    Hause Román
    DescriptionThe houses of ancient Rome domus and insulae as urban houses and villae in the countryside. The houses or houses of slaves and lower classes, built with very precarious means, have been preserved with greater difficulty.wiquipedia
  • 900 BCE

    City roman

    City roman
    The Roman city is a direct heiress of the Greek, but it had a gradual development and ... This is the arrangement of new cities, often of military origin. The expansion of Rome resulted in the ...wiquipedia
  • 700 BCE

    protection roman

    protection roman
    The Roman legions of the Republic of Rome and the Empire wore uniforms and quite standardized armor. However, the concept of uniforms was not part of their culture. There were no fully standardized armors and although they were produced in state factories, it varied according to the province of origin.