Roman Empire Timeline-Taylor 1

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    rule of the five good emperors begins

    rule of the five good emperors begins
    Roman empire extended greatly in such a short amount of time.
    Different emperors had to take over old emperors when they died or something else
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    height of Roman Empire

    height of Roman Empire
    the early empire was a period was a period of much prosperity
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    Height of roman empire part two

    Height of roman empire part two
    Markets, baths, theaters, gov. buildings, and amphitheaters. brought a few parta of the city more magnificence
  • 476

    Romulus Augustulus was deposed by Germanic head of the army

    Romulus Augustulus was deposed by Germanic head of the army
    Romulus Augustulus was deposed because the Roman Empire was being invated. He was deposed by the Germanic head of army.