Roman Empire Timeline - Brooke 1

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    The Rule of the Five Good Emperors Begins

    The Rule of the Five Good Emperors Begins
    Pax Romana- also known as the "Roman Peace", it's ruler's were, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius and Marcus Aurelius. It lasted almost 100 years, the rulers had treated the ruling classes with respect, and ended executions. In the spread of the Roman culture they had a latin like language, the cities were important in this time. They had resembled eachother with their temples, markets, and public buildings.
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    Height of Roman Empire part 2

    Height of Roman Empire part 2
    Although Rome was he center ofthe empior, it has serious problems. Entertainemnt was provided on a grand scale for the inhabitants of Rome. Publis spectales were provided by the emperor as part pf the great religious festivals celebrated by the state.
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    Height of Roman Empire

    Height of Roman Empire
    In this time there was alot of prosperity, high levels of trade, when trade happened it had went beyond the Roman frontiers as well as silk goods from China. Farming had remained the chief occupation of most people, large landed estates dominated farming in the southern and central areas of Italy. Thousands of people depended on the emperor's handouts of grain, many poor citizens worked in shops and markets.
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    Romulus Augustulus was Deposed by Germanichead of the army

    Romulus Augustulus was Deposed by Germanichead of the army
    Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the Germanic headof the army because, when he was in charge other people that were not living in Rome had came in and invaded the area. At that time of the invasions, in the east the Sassanid Persians made inroads into Roman territory. Not until the endof the third century were most of the boundaries restored.