
Roman Empire Collapse

By E165
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana (meaning roman peace) was a period of about 200 years where no major economic disaster occored. The roman government and military maintained an efficent government and authority. This period lasted from 27 B.C.E. to 180 A.D.
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    The 12 Tables

    The 12 Tables
    The 12 Tables was a court and law system established by the Roman Empire. This written document stated that in the court of law, all trials must be fair and if these laws are not obeyed, there will be a punishment. It was hung in public places so everyone could see it; written in 450 B.C.E.
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    Augustus' Reforms

    Augustus' Reforms
    Augustus created efficent civil services to enforce the laws of the Roman Empire. He opened up high level jobs to men of talent, reguardless of thier race, and employed the jobless. Augustus also allowed cities and provinces to govern themselfs and ordered a censur, or population count, in order to make the tax system fair. Lastly, Augustus issued a postal service and a new set of coins for all of the Roman Empire.
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    The Beginning of the Roman Empire

    The Beginning of the Roman Empire
    The beginning of the Roman Empire was during 509 B.C.E. The Romans drove out the Etruscans and set up a new form of government called a republic. The republic consited of officals which were chosen by the Roman citizens. Members were patricaians- memers of the landholding class. But little by little, plebeians, or the common people, gained partal polical power. They now ad the right to elect thier own officals called the tribanes.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    The Roman Empire

  • 305


    DioclecletianDiocletian ruled from 284-305 C.E. Diocleatian assigned a co-emporer, Maximian. He divided half the empire and took control of the wealtheir side, of corse, the east. Maximian took control of the west. There was a total of four people rulling at the time. This is called a tetratchy. Diocletian doubled the size of the army and took steps into stopping the economic decline of the Roman Empire. Diocletian gave up his power in 305 C.E.
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    ConstentineConstentine ruled from 306 C.E. to 377 C.E. Constentine lead an army to the milvian vridge and there was not a very good chance of them winning. If this bridge was to be envaded, most of Rome will be invated. Constantine saw a sign in the sky before this battle and ordered all of his men to paint this sign on there shieds and weapons. He belived that this will help him with the battle. In the end, he was victorious and converted to Christianity. In 313 C.E., the Edict of Milan was signed.
  • 337

    Constantene (continued)

    Constantene (continued)
    This allowed religious freedom within the roman empire. Constantine encouraged the spread of christianity. In 330 C.E., he moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city of Byzantium but changed the name of the city to Constantinople " City of Constantine". He moved the city do to it being much wealthier. There they traded more religion, ideas, and much more on trade routes. Constantene died on May 22, 337 C.E.
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    Invations and Collapse

    Invations and Collapse
    After the death of Constantine, the Roman Empire was collapsing. Germanic tribes (the romans called barbarians) were starting to envade the Roman land. During the 400's C.E., the roman army could no longer hold off these invadors. By 410, the visigothes captured and looded Rome. In 455, vandels left the city of Rome powerless, and by 476, the Ostrogoths led the final envation and collapse of the Roman Empire. After Rome fell, the western part fell with Rome, wile the East florished...
  • Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius
    Marcus Aurelius ruled from 161 C.E. to 180 C.E.
    He was the last of the 5 good emperors during Pax Romana.
    Marcus united Roman Empire Economically,
    and spent most of his time putting down rebellions and fighting of envastions.
    Before his death, he chose his son, Commodus to follow him as a leader.
  • Commodus

    Commodus ruled from 180 C.E. to 192 C.E.
    Commodus unfrortunately begun decline of the roman empire.
    He was more interested in entertainment than in government and he hosted chariot races and gladiator battles.
    Commodus allowed others to help him run empire.
    When the government ran short of money he killed the wealthy and took their valubles and money.
    Commodus was assassinated on December 31st 192 C.E.