Roman Empire

By Fuly04
  • 753 BCE

    Romolus and Remus founded Rome

  • 60 BCE

    The First Triumvirate was founded by Julius Caesar, Crassus and Pompeius.

  • 48 BCE

    Pompeius was defeated at Pharaos and went to Egypt, where he was assassinated.

  • 44 BCE

    Caesar was killed by Brutus

  • 43 BCE

    The Second Triumvirate was formed to defeat Caesar's assassins.

  • 42 BCE

    Octavian, Mark Anthony and Lepidus defeated Brutus and Cassius at Philippi.

  • 27 BCE

    Augustus became the first Roman Emperor

  • 395

    Valentinian I. Roman Co-Emperor and Ruler of the Western Roman Empire, died when he was 54 years old.

  • 451

    Roman general Flavius Aetius defeated Attila the Hun in the Battle of Catalunian Plains

  • 476

    Romolus Augustulus resigned after Rome had been conquered by Odoacer. The End of the Western Roman Empire.