Roamn empire

Roman Empire

By KD6135
  • Period: to

    0BC-500AD Roman Empire

    These are 10 important events that took place during the Roman Empire existence....
  • Octavius Becomes A Roman Emperor

    Octavius takes the place as Augustus and becomes the Emperor of the Roman Empire.(27BC)
  • A War Begins

    Octavius and a senate of Rome declares war on Cleopatra and Marcus Antony, but the war was won buy Octavius. Marcus and Cleopatra then commits suicide.(32BC)
  • A Triumvate is Formed

    A Triumvate is Formed
    Octavius forms a triumvate and Lepidus after capturing the remaining murders of Caesar.(36BC)
  • Caesar is Assassinated

    Caesar is was killed by several senators involving Sextus and Brutus.(44BC)
  • Caesar Becomes the Dictator of Rome

    Caesar Becomes the Dictator of Rome
    He turns on Rome to become the Dictator instead after defeating some of his rivals including his friend Pompeji.(49BC)
  • The Second Punic War Occurs

    The Second Punic War Occurs
    The Second Punic War happens and General Hannibal wins several battles of the Romans, but was eventually defeated by Scipio and Carthage Capitulated.(218BC)
  • Rome begins to fall apart

    Rome begins to fall apart
    Rome falls to the Barbarians and the Western Roman Empire was shrunk to Italy where the Emperor is Spain, France, and North Africa also.(476AD)
  • Rome is Formed into a Republic

    Rome is Formed into a Republic
    Rome is formed into a republic in a revolt against King Tarquinius.(500BC)
  • Rome Gets Divided

    Rome Gets Divided
    Rome is split into two parts which is Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire.(285AD)
  • Rome is Founded

    Rome is Founded
    The founding of Rome was discovered by Romelus and Remus.(753BC)