
Roman Empire

By D134
  • 100

    Augustus Caesar Rules

    Augustus Caesar Rules
    He became first roman Emporer. He fixed roads,bridges, and made aquadoxes which was called infilstructure. Trade went up = wealth goes up= economy goes up= military goes up=new land= protection goes up.He also expanded the Empire.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    Roman Empire

  • 161

    Marcus Aurelius Rules

    Marcus Aurelius Rules
    He ruled from 161C.E.-180C.E. He was the last of the 5 good emporers. Gained even more land. Spent most of his time fighting. Unified the Empire economically. He chose his son Commondus to follow him as Emporer.
  • 235

    50 Years of Decline Began

    50 Years of Decline Began
    The decline began under Commodus. Several problems led to the fall of Rome
    -Weak,corrupt rulers
    -Mercenary army
    -Serious economic problems.
    The Empire had recovered by 284 C.E.
  • 306

    Constantine Rules

    Constantine Rules
    He ruled from 306 C.E.- 337 C.E. He brought Empire back together. Moved capitol from Rome to Constantinople.
  • 410

    Visigoths Invaded

    Visigoths Invaded
    They were a nomadic tribe. They captured and looted Rome.
  • 455

    Vandals Invaded

    Vandals Invaded
    The Vandals were an East Germanic tribe. When they invaded they left Rome powerless.
  • 476

    Rome Collapses

    Rome Collapses
    The Fall of Rome Rome collapsed in 476 C.E. The tribe the Ostrogoths were the ones who made Rome fall.
  • Pax Romana Ends

    Pax Romana Ends
    Pax Romana A period of time of peace when Rome strengthened there economy and gained wealth,ended when Marcus Aurelius died.
  • Commodus Rules

    Commodus Rules
    Ruled from 180 C.E.- 192 C.E. He began the decline of the Empire. Allowed others to help run the Empire. He wanted money and power but not to do any work.
  • Diocletian Rules

    Diocletian Rules
    He split Emporer in to East and West. Appointed a Co-Emporer. This caused a tretarchy which is 4 people ruling. He gave up the thrown in 305 C.E.
  • Commodus Assasssinated

    Commodus Assasssinated
    He was assassinated on 12/31 192 C.E.