Rohan's me me me life

  • The day I was born

    I was born on August 1,2000 at 8:00a.m. It was a warm sunny day and I don't remember much
  • Trip to India

    It was my first trip to India. I was only 6 months old.
  • Preschool

    This is the month I started preschool. It was scary but I got over it my the end of the day.
  • Moving Day

    This is the first time I had moved . I was sad to leave but our new apartment had a pool.
  • Kindergarthen

    This is the day I started kindergarthen.I was scared but excited but made many friends.
  • Moving day 2

    This is the time we moved to the Churchill Meadows area. I was relly exciited on getting a bigger house.
  • New Brother

    This is the day my brother was born. He was born at 9:00 on a cloudy,sunny sort of day.
  • Trip to California

    This was when we took our trip to California. We had a blast there while going to new places.
  • Diwali

    This the day we celebrated a festival called Diwali. We prayed and bursted fireworks. We had a lot of fun with friends and family.