Robert fulton

Robert Fulton-timeline AC

By acolli3
  • Robert Fulton was born on Nov. 14, 1765.

    Robert Fulton was born on Nov. 14, 1765.
    Robert Fulton was born on Nov. 14, 1765. he was born on a farm in Little Britian, Pennsylvainia. He was an American engineer.
  • he became interested with the steam boat because,...

    The sub. caught Robert Livingston's atention and so, he convensted Fulton to go back to the U.S and focus on the steam boat designs.
  • In 1800 he was asked to disgn the Nautilus.

    In 1800 he was asked by Napoleon Bonaparte to disgn the Nautilus, the first experimentail submirine.
  • 1807 Clermont

    1807  Clermont
    He built the Clermont;the first steamboat. It failed it's first test but after a few adjustments Fulton had it running.It worked its way up the current to Albany at about 5mph. it was used to travel goods quicker and up river.
  • He died on feb. 24, 1815

    He died on Feb. 24, 1815 from exposure.
  • impact on America and steam boats today.

    impact on America and steam boats today.
    Hes steamboat really helped America. we were then able to travel people and goods faster,easier and up river.The thing is that peopl can use it to traid and sell increases the slave population because, people want to make more and use slaves because they can move it quicker.At this age we still use steam boats. we also use more advansed boats and ships. we use things that do about the same thing as hes' steam boat, ours is just bigger and faster because,we all improved it over time.