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Rise of Islam by Sam Wien and Evan Fox

  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad is born
    Muhammad is born
  • Oct 5, 610

    Muhammad is visted by Gabrieal

    Muhammad is visted by Gabrieal
    Muhammad is visited by an angel and gets told he is the next prophet
  • Oct 5, 632

    citizens begin to accept islam

    630 C.E. Muhammad returns to Mecca with his follower. Eventually all its citizens accept Islam. The prophet clears the idols and images out of the Kaaba and rededicates it to the worship of God alone.
  • Oct 5, 661

    end the rule of the four "righteous caliphs"

    Imam Ali is killed, it ends the rule of the four "righteous caliphs": Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali.
  • Oct 5, 711

    Muslims enter Spain in the west and India in the east

    Muslims enter Spain in the west and India in the east
  • Oct 5, 732

    Muslims are defeated in france

    Muslims are defeated at Potiers in France by Charles Martel.
  • Oct 5, 750

    The Abbasids take over rule from the Umayyads,

    The Abbasids take over rule from the Umayyads,
  • Oct 5, 850

    muslims conquest and grow islam

    Islam is grown
  • Oct 5, 900

    population grew

    population grew
    population grew in Mesopotamia
  • Oct 5, 1055

    Baghdad is taken

    Baghdad is taken
    Baghdad is taken by Turks and the Abbasids are not as powerful as a result
  • Oct 5, 1095

    expanded territory

    expanded territory
    The Fatimid caliphate and the Abbasid fought for territory .
  • Oct 5, 1099


    Europe takes Jerusalem from the Muslims
  • Oct 5, 1187

    Seige of jerusilim

    Seige of jerusilim
    An attack on the city of Jerusalem by saladin. It was captured.
  • Oct 5, 1216

    genghis khan leads mongols out of asia

    genghis khan leads mongols out of asia
    genghis khan leads mongols out of asia
  • Oct 5, 1258

    mongols capture Baghdad

    mongols capture Baghdad, the end of the Abbasid Caliphate
  • Oct 5, 1300

    Things that happened in the 1300s

    ottomans move into Europe and take control of Bursa and iznik
    they later take control of the Balkans
  • Oct 5, 1492

    all muslims are banned from spain

    all muslims are banned from spain
    all Muslims are banned from Spain after Granada is captured by Castile and Aragon
  • Oct 5, 1520

    selim the first dies

    the reign of Suleiman begins