rise of Christianity in the roman empire

  • 313 BCE

    Great persecution

    Great persecution
    Emperor ducis organized this event to kill all the Christians
    This was in act for about 18 months
    After about 6,000 were killed churches started to form and that created more hate and violence
  • 313 BCE

    Edict of milan

    Edict of milan
    Agreement to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire
    Constantine met and agreed to change the policies towards the Christians
    But still didn't make it the official religion they made a fine line between that
  • 312 BCE

    Battle of the milvain bridge

    Battle of the milvain bridge
    Was a battle between Constantine and maxentiusand it was over and important route named the milvain bridge
    Constantine won the battle
    This was to mark Christianity as the official religion of the roman empire
  • 203 BCE


    Was one of the earliest christian texts to be written down
    Was written by saint perpetua
    It contained all the christian words
  • 64 BCE

    Great fire of Rome

    Great fire of Rome
    The fire burned for 6 days
    Rumor had it that Nero started the fire
    Then they blamed it on the Christians
    They started to kill off the Christians
  • 50 BCE

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    His common name was saul of tarsus
    He was the first preacher
    He taught the gospel of Christ
    He was arrested many times
    He then went on to teach Christianity
  • 35 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    He was the leader of the Christians and was there public figure
    He was arrested many times for preaching Christianity
  • 27 BCE

    Roman rule of Israel

    Roman rule of Israel
    The Jews and the Christians used to be separated then they migrated to Israel and then join together to be Christians
    the Jews wanted to become more significant
  • 307

    Constantine The great

    Constantine The great
    Was a roman Emperor
    He was the first roman emperor to convert to Christianity
    He was pagan but then converted and supported Christianity
    He battled against the people who didn't believe
  • 379

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    He was the ruler over the eastern and western halves of the roman empire
    He also issued decrees that officially made nicene Christianity the official state church of the roman empire
    He stopped the discrimination of Christians