Renaissance Timeline, Y.A., 3

By ne1iiii
  • Period: 1091 to 1296

    The crusades

    A series of religious wars between christians and muuslims, mainly to protect control of holy sites.
  • 1097

    Battle of Civetot

    Battle during the crusades war. it was the first noticeable armed conflict between christians and muslims.
  • 1347

    Bubonic plague, Europe

    The bubonic plague arrives in Europe it is said that it arrived because of the chinese.
  • 1347

    The black death moves from china and central Asia to Europe

    An army led by the Mongol ruler Janibeg attacks the Genoese trading port of a place that was once called Kaffa, but now called Feodosiya, in Crimea.
  • Period: 1347 to 1353

    The Black Death

  • 1348

    Persecution of jews

    Jews were to be the reason for the illness. it is said jews did it purposely.
  • 1349

    Deaths from the plague

    Around 30 to 40 percent of the Europe population is killed by the fast spreadeing of the plague.
  • 1400

    End of Pax Mongolica

    The end of Pax Mongolica was marked by the disintegration of the Khanates.
  • Period: 1400 to 1495

    Early Renaissance

    A period in time
  • Period: 1434 to

    Age of Exploration

    A time where when European nations began exploring the world. This started because of a want of spice and silk.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg printing press

    The printing press was a machine that helped spread information throughout Europe.
  • 1492

    Columbus discovers america

    Columbus wanted to find a new route to india but instead discovered a "new world".
  • 1496

    Vasco de Gama sails around africa

    Vasco de Gama waas the first person who sailed from Europe to india. He did it by "Rounding Africa's Cape of Good Hope"
  • Period: 1496 to 1527

    High Renaissance

    During this period new styles of art were being created. this art was symetrical and compositional perfection.
  • 1501

    Michelangelo Sculpts David

    Michelangelo begins to sculpt the sculpture named "David", this sculputure shows the strength of Florence.
  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa was not apart of any church at the time so that's why this painting is one of the most popular paintings in the world.
  • 1511

    Praise of Folly

    a theological essay originally written in Latin in 1509 and published in 1511 by Desderius Erasmus. This essay is a satirical work, and it critizes the European society of the time.
  • 1511

    The sistine chapel ceiling

    Created upon "the creation of heavens and earth" followed by the creation of Adam and Eve and the explusion from the garden of Eden.
  • Period: 1517 to 1555

    Protestant Reformation

    a religious development during the 1500s. people didnt like what was happening in the churches in western Europe.
  • 1521

    Diet of worms

    People were protesting to ban the ideas of the church. this protest was called the diet of worms.
  • 1524

    The start of the European wars of religion

    War was caused by the protestant reformation. This war was fought by catholics and protestants.
  • Period: 1527 to

    Late Renaissane

  • 1528

    The book of courtier

    Baldassare Catiglione wrote the book of courtier, this book is about the guide to ideal courtly behavior.
  • Period: 1540 to

    Scientific Revolution

    During this time period, everyone around the world wanted to do something with their life. The Scientific Revolution was a series of events that marked the emergence of modern science during the early modern period
  • 1553


    Copercurnos makes the theory that the earth is rotating around the sun instead of it being in the center of the universe.
  • Triangular Trade

    The triangular trade was a triangular trade route through Europe, Africa, and the Americas. this trade route was used to take slaves from Africa to be exchanged for goods to have raw materials.
  • Kepler publishes '' Atronomia Nova"

    The path of planets about the sun in an elliptical shape, with the center of the sun being located at onre focus.
  • Columbian Exchange

    Columbus brought back around 1200 different species of plants and animals back to Europe from the Americas.