Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1320

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    The Divine Comedy is a poem written by Dante. He turns himself into a fictional character, traveling through hell, purgatory, and paradise. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • 1377

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    The next six pope lived in Avignon after Pope Clement V moved the headquarters of the church from Rome to Avignon, France. Pope Gregory moved the papacy back to Rome. When Gregory died they didn't like the new pope in Rome so they elected a new one in Avignon. (Martin Luther and The Protestant Reformation Notes)
  • 1387

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer, the tales were a collection of stories told by 29 pilgrims going to the tomb of St.Thomas Becket. St.Thomas Becket was the archbishop who was killed by King Henry 11 followers after an argument over the power of the church. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • 1400


    The Blast Furnace helped shape iron bars into bars and mold by making it very hot and melting it. (New Ideas and Inventions- Renaissance project/worksheet)
  • Period: 1400 to

    Daily Life/ Culture of The Renaissance

    Merchants and Nobles got to each huge meals, feasts, and good quality food such as soups or broth with exotic spices, beef or pig roasts basted with juices to add flavor, and for dessert they ate jellies, fruit, and nuts. Peasants on the other hand, got to eat soup or mush made from leftover scraps. The soup was made from vegetables and the mush was made from grain. (Life During The Renaissance Notes)
  • Period: 1400 to

    Daily Life/ Culture of the Renaissance

    From the 14th to the 17th Century, education played a big role in humanism. Practitioners of Humanism during the Renaissance thought that humans could be changed by education. They created schools and books to teach ideas and practices. They also thought that speaking and writing correctly would engage them in civic life. This became the foundation for political administration, clergy of recognized churches, and professionals in law and medicine. (Life During The Renaissance Notes)
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily Life/ Culture of the Renaissance (Life During The Renaissance Notes)

    The highest ranked social class was Nobility, which was 2-3% of the entire population. They believed that these people were born with grace, talent, and character. The middle class was called Townspeople, which was 7-13% of the population. There were four divisions of Townspeople, Patricians, Burghers, Workers, and Unemployed. The lower class made up of Peasants, which was the majority of the population at 80-95% of people. They worked hard, but they didn't get payed well and were very poor.
  • 1405

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    The Book of the City of Ladies was written by Christine de Pizan. This was one of his most famous literary devices of all times and it argued that women would be just as intelligent and successful as men if they were given equally opportunities. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes)
  • 1432

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    Artist in the Northern Renaissance had different work. They aimed for realism because they didn't have much space. Jan van Eyck was the first artist to perfect oil painting techniques. Her most famous painting was "Ghent Altarpiece". It was painted in St Bavo's Cathedral. (Artistic Movement of The Renaissance)
  • 1437

    Patron of the Arts

    One of the most famous Patrons was Medici. Medici's patronage turned Florence into the greatest center of art in Italy from 1437-1737, except for two brief periods(1492- 1512 and 1527-1530). He was one of the first to embrace artistic patronage as a way of securing his legacy and honoring the church.
  • 1440


    The Printing Press made it easier and more time efficient to copy things. Later was used to copy Martin Luther's 95 Theses. (New Ideas and Inventions -Renaissance project/worksheet)
  • 1444

    Patrons of the Arts

    Michelozzo was one of the pioneer of architecture. He created sculptures and statues. Michelozzo also designed the Palazzo Medici Riccardi and it was built between 1444 and 1484. He expanded it to later be a Renaissance palace. ( )
  • 1503

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    In 1503, Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa. It arguably became one of the most famous paintings ever created. (Artistic Movement of The Renaissance)
  • 1508

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    Michelangelo painted, was into architecture, and also sculpted. He painted many frescoes in the Sistine Chapel but his most famous was "The Creation", which he painted between 1508 and 1512. (Artistic Movement of The Renaissance)
  • 1509

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    The School of Athens was painted between 1509 and 1511. It was painted by an Italian Renaissance artist named Raphael. Raphael decorated rooms by painting them. (Artistic Movement of The Renaissance)
  • 1514

    Renaissance Art/Artist

    Renaissance Art/Artist
    Albrecht Durer was another Northern Renaissance artist. He was much like Leonardo da Vinci because they both studied human form and how it functioned. Albrecht Durer's most famous painting was Melencolia 1, this was famous because it displayed a woman trying to personify a melencolia. (Artistic Movement of The Renaissance)
  • 1517

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)
    In 1517, Martin Luther said that the practices of indulgences were corrupt. The bible said that you could buy forgiveness and it was wrong to buy your way to heaven and Luther wanted people to know these things, so his ideas spread far and wide.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    On this day, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses in the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This started the Protestant Reformation. Luther's ideas spread quickly because of the printing press. Luther's supporters handed out copies of his 95 theses to everyone. (Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation Notes)
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    Luther criticized the church for selling indulgences because they were just pieces of paper that people were wasting their money on. Luther also wanted them to know that the true path to salvation was devoting yourself to god. Luther also criticized the church for making people pay to see relics in the church. So when Martin Luther didn't recant they excommunicated him from the church. (Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation Notes)
  • 1530

    Scientific Discoveries

    The Heliocentric Solar System was discovered by Nicholas Copernicus. He published his theory in 1530. This model positioned the Sun near the center, without moving, while Earth and other planets were circling around it.
  • 1533

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)
    King Henry V111 had been married to the Spanish Princess Catherine of Aragon. They had a lot of children but only one survived. King Henry V111 was desperate to have a son to inherit the throne, so he divorced Catherine and married Anne. The pope would not give him his permission for divorce so he took matters into his own hands and declared himself Supreme Head of the church in England and did whatever he wanted.
  • 1534

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)

    The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation)
    Protestant ideas arrive during King Henry V111's time. He denied the beliefs and said that they were wrong, he wanted every copy of the English Bible burned or destroyed.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Galileo also conducted experiments on falling objects and pendulums, that paved the way to the discovery of gravity. The Catholic Church forced him to spend the last 9 years of his life under house arrest.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Galileo was also a famous Renaissance scientist. Galileo improved the telescope and he found new bodies and support for the Heliocentric Solar System.
  • Inventions

    Matches were invented by Robert Boyle. Matches made it more accessible and easier to start fires. (New Ideas and Inventions -Renaissance project/worksheet)