
  • Period: Jan 1, 900 to Dec 31, 1100

    Accepted Reformers

    Cluniac Monks: Stricter ruler, they wanted to restore the traditional monastric life.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Dec 31, 1300

    Accepted reformers

    Saint Francis of Assisi: He thought that wealthy people should give up their posessions.
    The founder of the Franciscan Order.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Dec 31, 1400

    Not accepted reformers (Heretics)

    John Wyclif: He thought that Christians should rely on the Bible, instead of the teachings of the Pope and the clergy.
    His ideas were rejected,but he wasn't killed.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1500

    Not accepted reformers (Heretics)

    Jan Hus: He thought that the Pope has too much power, and the priests have too much money.
    He wanted to change the wealth of the Church and questioned the autothory of the Pope,that is why it wasn't sucessfull.
  • 1415

    Jan Hus's death

    Jan Hus's death
    He was killed as a heretics.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Direct cause of reformation

    Direct cause of reformation
    Martin Luther was an Augustine order Monk, he realized that the Church doesn't teach the way the Bible says. He nailed his 95 thesis on the Church in Wittenerg, to reform the Church, not to establish a new one. His teachings were simplier, which made people feel closer to it. He criticised the letters of indulgences, as he believed that salvation is only by faith and the highest autothory is the Bible, which should be read in German, after he translated and spread it with the printing press.
  • 1520


    Founder: Thomas Münzer
    Teachings: rejected infant baptism, he thought that it should be an active choice to join Christian religion
    Even Luther rejected this
  • 1520

    Martin Luther's excommunication

    Martin Luther's excommunication
    Pope Leo X. excommunicated Luther
  • 1521

    Martin Luther, the heretic

    In the Edict of Worms, Charles V. decleared Luther as a heretic, which made him loose his rights. Duke Frederick "kidnapped"(saved) him. In this period Luther was able to translate the Bible to German, which caused the spread of Christianity.
  • Period: 1524 to 1525

    German Peasant's War

    The result of the Anabaptism
  • 1529

    Diet of Speyer

    Diet of Speyer
    All Germans was called to stop the conversion+prohibited the followers of Luther to spread the faith,which caused the Age of Wars of Religion
  • 1530


    Founder: Michael Servents, who was burnt by the orders of Calvin
    They denied the existence of the Holy Trinity.
    There is only one God, Jesus was a human.
  • 1550


    Founder: Jean/John Calvin
    He believed in the predestination, so that everyone is predestined to go to heaven/hell before they are born. In revolt, which said that everybody got their power from God. In wealth,being rich was not a sin. In democratic Consistory, members can participate in the control of the Church. In theocracy, the state should be controlled by the state