Jesus christ

History of Christianity

  • 33


    The Birthday of the Christian Church
  • 35

    St Paul the Apostole

    St Paul the Apostole
    Lived 8-70 CE and began preacging in 35 CE. He was Saul the Persecutor of Christians in Jersulam but on the road to Demascus he had a vision and from that point on he spread the nes of jesus and was know as paul
  • 64

    Nero and the Persecutions

    Nero and the Persecutions
    There was a Persecution of Christians in Rome by the Emperor Nero in 64 AD. Afterwards a terrible fire destroyed the centre of Rome. People were saying that it had been started by Nero to make room for his new palace. However Nero blamed the Christians.
  • 312

    Emperor Constantine

    Emperor Constantine
    Constantine won a battle to become the Roman emporer againist Maxentius. He won after he saw a Christian symbol in the sky after he prayed and ordered the symbol to be put on all the soldiers shields. This made Christianity the favored Religion in Rome
  • 530

    St Benedict

    St Benedict
    St Benedict seeked god on the countryside after he was disturbed by the way people were having. People started to come and seek his advice and prayers. A group of monks came and asked for his guidance but turned away after as they didn't like his rules but a second group of monks came and sought his guidance. He agreed but only if they followed his rules. This becomes his first monastery. ​
  • 540

    St Columba

    St Columba
    Saint Columba, an Irish monk, become a priest in 540 circa and spent the next 15 years preaching and setting up foundations at Derry, Durrow and Kells. He built a monastery in Lona off the coast of Scottland, that become world famous.
  • 590

    St Columbanus

    St Columbanus
    St Columbus was Irish and the founder of several European Monasteries in 590 circa including in Annegray and Luxovium . The Monasteries were known for their strict rules. He stayed in Ireland and spread the word of Christianity​
  • Jan 1, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Flagellants were one of the extremes of the religious groups to exist during the years of the Black Death. Flagellants would walk up and down streets in towns and cities, practicing penance by lashing themselves with whips. They were​ believers that the plague was a punishment from God because of sin. The plague spread swiftly among them as they often didn't bathe causing many to die. Pope Clement and the church did not approve of the Flagellants.​
  • Jan 1, 1445

    Invention of Printing Press

    Invention of Printing Press
    Printing Press was invented by Johannes Gutenburg in 1440's. Knowledge became more easily accessible as it was stored in books. Improved science advancements. This allowed knowledge to spread quickly ad accurately. As the demand for books increased the demand for them in more languages increased. Th bible was printed in many languages resulted in the priest not being needed.This caused the public for not following the bible properly and the churches power to decrease.​
  • Jan 1, 1517


    The Reformation occurred during Renaissance times. The Catholic Church split​ into many new types of Christianity were formed. Through this time more people were reading the bible as a result of the invention of the printing press and the church was receiving less money. There were also many people involved and influenced in the reformation including the Pope, John Calvin, Martin Luther and Much more.