Raina's Family Life Cycle

  • Newly Married Stage

    Newly Married Stage
    Gets married to high school sweet heart, right after graduating college. We begin a new life together, We have began thinking about the possibility of pregnancy, and preparing our emotional needs and finances for that.
  • Early Parenthood Stage

    Early Parenthood Stage
    We are making adjustments as we have entered parenthood. We have a girl named Brinkly who is 6, and a boy named Channing on the way. My husband is the primary bread winner, and i am now a stay at home mom.
  • Later Parenthood Stage

    Later Parenthood Stage
    The Children are growing up. me and my husband have had to change to meet the needs of our growing children, and have began planning ahead savings for them.
  • Empty Nest Stage

    Empty Nest Stage
    THe kids are both off to college. There is no longer a need for me to stay at home as a stay at home mom. i get a new job working as a teacher. my husband continues work, and we have more time to ourselves and to be with eachother.
  • Retirement

    We are both deciding to retire. we now get to go on vacations and spend as much time as we want together, renewing our marriage. We have four grandbabies we get to spend time with.
  • Death of a Spouse

    Death of a Spouse
    My husband dies in his sleep. I have to now deal with his death. I am now getting used to doing things for myself, and living on my own.