Radio History

  • Radio Waves

    Radio Waves
    Heinrich Hertz produces and identifies radio waves. We call today's radio wave transmitter the LC oscillator.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Guglielmo Marconi did not invent the first radio, yet he sent the first radio signal in 1895. Over time, his expirements led to the first ever form of radio communication in 1874.
  • England and France interaction

    England and France interaction
    Other than Marconi sending radio signals, he created a link between England and France. He was specialized in wireless telegraphy.
  • AM Waves

    AM Waves
    AM Waves are an amplifide modulation of frequencies used to send signals over certain distances. The signals were then used as a form of communication.
  • Audion tube

    Audion tube
    In 1906, Lee De Forest "created" the first audion tube. The device was a vacuum tube in which it amplified signals.
  • The first radio transmission

    The first radio transmission
    The first radio transmission took place in Austria. The broadcast played music.
  • FIrst aired song on the radio

    FIrst aired song on the radio
    The first song ever played on the radio was O Holy Night. The song was played for Christmas on Christmas Eve with a violin.
  • Audio Station

    Audio Station
    Charles Herrold began broadcasting audio in California in 1909. His station eventually became known as KCBS.z
  • Radio stations

    Radio stations
    Radio stations were used as a source of social interaction between the community. Advertisements were played, and the station received money for the amount of time the ad was being aired.
  • KDKA

    KDKA was the world's first commercially licensed AM station. This station has always been challenged by other radio stations.