World History (Quarter 2)

  • 2000 BCE

    8.1, Crete, The Minoans Are Sailing...

    Although they were not considered Greeks, the Minoans lived in Greece and was known to sail and trade on the seas most of their time. Their home place, Crete, was an excellent point to trade, but also was a dangerous place because it's geography. It is said that during the 1600s BC, there was a volcano eruption that created a large wave in which flooded much of Crete and might have been the cause of it's end.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece made many developments that have influenced many thing to the modern world. Greece started with the Mycenaeans and visits from the Minoans. Greeks developed in city-states. Athen was a famous city-state that developed the gov. of democracy.
  • 1500 BCE

    6.1 Ancient China, The Rise of the Shang Dynasy

    The first determined dynasty discovered was the Shang Dynasty. The dynasty made an organized social order and a government. An advancement made by the Shang dynasty was a writing system that included more than 2000 symbols. Examples of this writing was discovered on turtles shells or cattle bones. On these bones were predictions/questions about the future from priests. They were also strong in their military field that included chariots.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 220

    Ancient China's Dynasties

    Ancient China was ruled by dynasties, and some main ones were the Zhou dynasty, who ruled since the 1100s BC, the Shang dynasty, who ruled since the c.1500s BC, the Xia dynasty, who is said to rule early China since the 2200s BC, the Qin dynasty, who ruled since the 221s BC, and the Han dynasty, who ruled since the 206s BC.
  • 800 BCE

    8.3, Greece, Homer's Works Pleases Greece (Date is Homer's birth year)

    Homer was a famous poet in Ancient Greece and wrote two of earliest Greek writings which included the Iliad and the Odyssey. Iliad explained the last years of the Trojan War and the Odyssey talked about a solider's journey back home from the Trojan War.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    The Roman World

    Rome was first a homeland for refugees from many countries that included many cultures into Rome and became a strong empire. One of Rome’s major timeline is the existence of the Roman Republic.
  • 550 BCE

    9.1, The Start of the Persian Empire, Persia

    Before the Persian Empire, Persian were unorganized nomads and got conquered by the people called the Medes. They ruled the nomadic people for a century and a half until Cyrus II received a successful revolt that marked the beginning of the Persian Empire.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    The Greek World

    Greece was once filled with various city-states and ruled by many emperors, which their empires grew and got conquered.
  • 500 BCE

    8.2, Greece, The Start of Democracy

    A new a leader named Cleisthenes started his rule and developed democracy because he didn't want aristocrats to run the gov. (Even though he himself was a member of one of the most powerful families at his time in Athens [He was a ruler of Athens]). Democracy was a gov. where normal citizens were elected to rule the gov. There were around 6000 people voting in one assembly.
  • 459 BCE

    6.2, China, Confucius Starts Confucianism

    Confucius was a teacher who was uncomfortable with the fact that. China was ruled by the rude and dishonest and the people's lack of decency and disorder. In order to fix this, Confucius thought of ideas to return China into ethics and named them Confucianism. In the ideas, it is said about family that the father should be an inspiration to the rest of the family, children should be obedient to their parents, and the members should respect one another. He also gave similar ideas about the gov.
  • 458 BCE

    Ch. 10, Early Rome, Cincinnatus Gains Power

    Cincinnatus was the famous dictator of the Early Roman Republic that once was a farmer, but quickly defeated the Republic’s enemies. He was chosen to defend Rome specifically from an enemy that won against a large Roman army. Cincinnatus was successful and was treated sort of like George Washington, the first American president.
  • 450 BCE

    Ch. 10.2, Rome Establishes First Written Laws, Rome

    Before this event, Rome always kept their established laws unwritten which caused many people to violate laws without knowing them. Therefore, Rome finally made the move to write down their laws, and did so on 12 bronze and called the Law of the Twelve Tables.
  • 431 BCE

    9.2, Peloponnesian War Begins, Ancient Greece

    Although Sparta and Athens were good allies, they also had battles between themselves. As Athen started to grow stronger, Sparta tried preventing this because they were afraid of overpowerment and declared war on their war friend, the Peloponnisian War.
  • 325 BCE

    9.3, Alexander's Defeat, Across Indus River

    Before this, Alexander was the ruler of Greece and was successful in various battles that resulted into him building the largest empire. Alexander fought and ended up crossing the Indus River to conquer more countries until the Indian army reigned over the exhausted Greek soliders that now refused to fight. Therefore, Alexander began his march home. Although this defeat, Alexander left Greece (he died of sickness) an enormous empire which was fought over by generals to decide who will rule.
  • 300 BCE

    9.4, One of Best Mathmaticians Is Born, Alexandria

    Euclid was a Greek that spent their lives with math. He lived and taught in Alexandria and interested in astronomy, music, and math. He was especially interested in lines and angles and created writings about geometry that are still used today.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3, China, Qins Unifys China

    Through many battles, the Qin dynasty were able to conquer all opposing rivials and established on empire and the ruler being Shi Huangdi. Since the population was so big, Shi Huangdi faced towards legalism to maintain order and standardized the written language to avoid some confusion. He also used gold and copper coins as currency.
  • 218 BCE

    10.3, Carthage Marches to Rome, Rome

    During the Punic War, Rome kept attacking Carthage, so they planned a battle to fight back, but did it in an unexpected way. The Carthage army was led by General Hannibal, who led his army the long way around to Rome this march resulted in many casualties. This actually managed to give his army many successful battles around, but not directly to Rome.
  • 206 BCE

    6.4, China, Liu Bang Becomes Emperor

    Liu Bang was the first peasant to rise up as an emperor. He opposed legalism, and made laws opposite to legalism; lower taxes and less severe punishments. Liu Bang made new politics and another system and structure of the government. People during the Han dynasty lived very simple lives.
  • 44 BCE

    11.1, Caesar Is Murdered, Rome

    After gaining power over Rome, Julius Caesar had so much power and received many successes in battles. However, after Caesar had lowered the Senates’ power, they became angry and assainated Caesar, passing the power down to Marc Anthony and Octavian.
  • Period: 44 BCE to 476

    Rome and Christianity

    Rome had changed from Republic to empire and embraced the influence of Christianity. Christianity had affected the changing of the Roman culture.
  • 1 CE

    11.2, The Messiah is Born (Christian View), Bethlehem

    After being conquered by the Romans, the Jews were anxious for a hope of the Messiah’s arrival; the long waited prophet. (Although not all believe this,) Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem which marked the first year of the AD period. During his life, Jesus preached and helped many people and later died as a sacrifice for our sins (once again, some people believe the Messiah is still yet to come).
  • 200

    6.5, China, Buddhism's Enters the Emporer's Mind

    Thanks to the Silk Road, a 4000 mile long network throughout many countries, China's tradings with India influenced many Chinese traders about the ideas of Buddhism and soon enough caught on into the minds of many others in their homeland. By 200 AD, Buddhist alters were placed in the emperor's palace.
  • 410

    11.3, The Goths Destroy Rome, Rome

    At this time, Rome was afraid of nearby groups called the Huns, who were known to be enormously strong. A victim of this group, the Goths, fled away to Roman territory. In fear that they will attack the empire, Rome started paying the Goths so they wouldn’t attack. The Romans stopped paying in 408’s, and the Goths marched through the empire, causing the empire to get a lot closer to its end.
  • Ch. 8, USA, Modern Event

    The leader Cleisthenes established the first gov. of democracy, which influenced presidents of America so that the current government of America is democracy.
  • Ch. 9, Many Countries, Modern Event

    Euclid, one of the best mathematicians in Greece, gave many formulas for math that are used by many to calculate various equations, most in geometry.
  • Ch. 10, Modern Event, Defeat of Hannibal

    During the Punic War, Carthage made a large comeback that almost managed to wipe out Rome but couldn’t because his country didn’t send him reinforcements. If they had won, history could have changed tremendously.
  • Ch. 11, Rome, Modern Event

    Born under Roman territory, Jesus was born and spreader the ideas of Christ and eshtablished the religion Christianity, which Emperor Constantine considered and made it into the official religion of Rome. Rome still remains with the same religion today.
  • Ch. 6, Many Countries, Modern Event

    In China, the ideas of Confucianism influenced lots of people, including Chinese traders, in which they expanded the idea through many other countries with the help of the Silk Road.