
Pure Soul Promotional Plan- Bella Seitz

  • Coupon Plan

    Coupon Plan
    For this coupon, we would have it so if you come 3 times in the week, you get a free drink and choice of bakery items. I selected this because it keeps the customer coming back during the week and it gives them insensitive. It will improve the image of the company
  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    We will have people sample our new drinks and bakery items. Little cups that have our drinks in them and little portions of our bakery items, including little cookies, scones, and muffins.
  • Coupons

    For the coupon, it would promote our seasonal drinks, and have people buy one, and get one free. This would be distributed through emails and this is because people are always on their phones, and technology is very popular and used everyday. This will improve the image of the restaurant because it will make us look good and that we are a giving company and that people will want another drink from us.
  • Incentive

    The sweepstakes will be a fun contest for the customers. You buy a drink, and on the bottom of the drink is a scratch off that says if you won a prize that correlates with the company, such a free drinks for a week, free bakery items and more. This will make the company look fun and exciting, pulling people into the store to try and win these items.
  • Traffic Builder

    Traffic Builder
    We will give out 100 reusable cups to the first 100 people that come into the store. It will be free and have a fun holiday design on it and people will want to come and get it. I selected this, because I have seen similar strategies with other companies and it has worked very well, causing more than usual streams of customers. This is improving the image of the company because it will show that more people will want to come in, and that our company isn’t a bad one.