
Progeression of U.S. Involvement in WWII

  • Axis power formed

    Axis power formed
    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign a mutual treaty,called the Tripartite Act. United States WWII enemies are officially formed.
  • FDR's Unprecidented 3rd Term as President

    FDR's Unprecidented 3rd Term as President
    Roosevelt is elected to a 3rd Term as President. This has never happened before and never happened again. He won the election because the people trusted him.
  • Roosevelt Lend-Lease Plan

    Roosevelt Lend-Lease Plan
    Britain is running short on war supplies, as a way to go round the neutrality act, FDR decided to "loan" weapons to them. the united states is clearly taking sides, they are choosing the allies over the axis.
  • Supporting Stalin

    Supporting Stalin
    Hitler breaks the nonagressive act with Stalin and invades the Soviet Union. U.S. started to loan weapons to Soviet Union. the United States are choosing sides again
  • Signing of the Atlantic Charter

    Signing of the Atlantic Charter
    FDR and Winston Churchill met on the battleship USS Augusta secretly. Both countries pledged freedoms of the seas, collective secruity, and disarmment. Roosevelt is looking for an excuse to joined the war.
  • Shoot on Sight

    Shoot on Sight
    Germany submarines destroyed the USS Greer. FDR released the shoot on sight policy saying if you see a German U-boat, shoot it on sight. FDR is starting to declare war on Germany.
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan has a desire to expand and control all of East Asia. As a result of this expansion, the U.S. stops trading oil to Japan. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese set a aurprise attack on American soil. This was the biggest attack before 9/11. There were no more isolationism