
  • I am pregnant!

    I am pregnant!
    Found out that I was having a baby! Today I wnet to the doctor because I have been feeling sick.
  • First ultrasound

    First ultrasound
    Got to hear my baby heart beat for the first time. I was very excited. Next time we will find out the sex of the baby. The doctor said that my baby is right on schedule with everything.
  • What is the sex of my baby!

    What is the sex of my baby!
    Today my husband and I are going to find out what we will be having in a couple of months. We are so exicted to be having a baby boy! I already have a name picked out. His name will be Ryan.
  • Today is the Big day!

    Today is the Big day!
    Today I went into labor with Ryan. The day before my birthday. UI have been in labor for 4 hours and Ryan is up side down trying to come out the birth cannal so the had to do an emergency Cesarean. Ryan and I are doing just fine. Get to go home in a few days.